[SlawKaus] Ausschreibung: Creating Space: A Digital Future with Ethics in Mind. A training for multipliers* of formal and non-formal educational work

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Di Feb 25 10:40:59 CET 2020

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Im Rahmen unseres medienethischen Schwerpunkts organisieren die Stiftung 
Kreisau und unsere Partner*innen eine spannende 
deutsch-polnisch-ukrainische Projektreihe für Multiplikator*innen der 
non-formalen und formalen Bildung. Informationen im Folgenden. Ich würde 
mich freuen, wenn Sie es mit Ihren Netzwerken teilen könnten.

/The current developments are leaving us shaken and it is time to react. 
Virtual space is part of our lives, it has not been replaced, but has 
been added, and political and democratic education must begin today on 
the smartphone. //Racism, fake information is commonplace in virtual 
space and it's time to act, because the future of media literacy needs 
morals and human rights, also online. //

/To make the Internet a democratic space, the Kreisau Foundation, 
together with the Kreisau Initiative and the Berghof-foundation, is 
organizing a series of projects on media ethics. //


/The main focus of the training is learning about and to gain applicable 
knowledge of teaching methods that promote the awareness of digital 
values and empower youth to stand up against hate speech on the Internet 
through value-based work. The workshop will introduce participants to a 
tool kit of methods aimed at strengthening the personalities of youth, 
enabling self-reflection, promoting empathy, and dealing with diversity 
in order to apply the concepts and methods to their own work with 
youths. //During the training, methods are developed and modified by the 
participants which are applied in the international education projects 
with young people and which the multipliers can use in their local youth 
work. The participants have the possibility to share their knowledge, to 
develop their own methods and to discuss and modify them together in the 
group so that they can be published under their own name in a digital 
The project language is English. /

***Where & When?*
The “Creating Space: A Digital Future with Ethics in Mind” Seminar will 
take place:
- from 16. till 20.04.2020 Creating Space I
- from the 15. till 19.10.2020 Creating Space II
*in Krzyżowa, Poland.*

*Who?*We invite youth workers*, educators*, teachers*, and multipliers* 
of youth work from Germany, Poland, and Ukraine.

*Participation fee *(covers accommodation, full board and all programme 
activities): Participants from Germany: 50 EUR/ Poland: 150 PLN / 
Ukraine: 100 PLN
**Travel costs:* For participants from Germany and Ukraine can be 
remburs up to 100 Euro person/ for participants from Poland up to 35 EUR 
per person of economy class travel costs.

More information about project and application form is available on 
website: https://bit.ly/37NK8Y9 


*Contact person*

Charlotte Lohmann,charlotte.lohmann at krzyzowa.org.pl

Herzliche Gruesse aus Kreisau,

Charlotte Lohmann

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