[SlawKaus] Guest Lecture next Tuesday at MPI-SHH: Rescheduled to Thu, Feb. 27

Ilya Chechuro ilyachechuro at gmail.com
Mi Feb 26 15:27:11 CET 2020

Dear Colleagues,

the room for tomorrow's talk on *A data-driven approach to phonological
analysis: comparing phonological systems and syllable structure of Botlikh
and Zilo Andi *by George Moroz is

*Room 005 aka "DA Oval Office"*,

it is in the modern building of MPI-SHH (not in the villa!), to the right
from the main entrance. The address of MPI-SHH is Kahlaische Straße, 10.
The talk starts at 14:00.

Best regards,
Ilia Chechuro

пн, 24 февр. 2020 г. в 15:33, Ilya Chechuro <ilyachechuro at gmail.com>:

> Dear Colleagues,
> due to a broken pipe and malfunctioning heating at the MPI-SHH, we have to
> reschedule tomorrow's talk on
> *A data-driven approach to phonological analysis: comparing phonological
> systems and syllable structure of Botlikh and Zilo Andi*
> by George Moroz.
> The new date and time are: *Thursday, February 27 at 14:00*. The room
> will be announced later.
> We apologize for the inconvenience.
> Best wishes,
> Ilia Chechuro
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