[SlawKaus] [FYI]: Summer School on Areal Linguistics in Moscow

Ilya Chechuro ilyachechuro at gmail.com
Mi Feb 26 14:03:02 CET 2020


Dear all,

there is a Summer School in Moscow that may be interesting for some of us.
The list of courses is provided here: https://ling.hse.ru/indling/course/.
I took part in the first school two years ago and found it very interesting
and useful, especially in terms of training in computational techniques.

Here’s the announcement:

Dear colleagues,

the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory <https://ilcl.hse.ru/en/> and the
School of Linguistics <https://ling.hse.ru/en/> are organizing an
International Summer School on Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia in
Moscow (Russia). This will be the second school on Areal linguistics
organized by the Laboratory. The first school
<https://ling.hse.ru/indling2018/> took place two years ago. We arranged a
range of courses on various topics, including quantitative and
computational approaches to the analysis of linguistic data and surveys of
of language families and groups.

Applications to participate are welcome from students and scholars of all
levels. The application deadline is *March 15, 2020*. For more details:
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