[SlawKaus] Fwd: Wednesday, 18:00: J. Łozinska (Olsztyn): The place of Polish in Talmy’s typology of languages

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Mi Nov 22 08:50:22 CET 2023

LIebe Liste,

erst jetzt sehe ich, dass ich diese Ankündiung an die falsche Adresse 
geschickt habe - deshalb jetzt. Ich hoffe, einige von Ihnen können heute 
trotz der kurzfristiven Nachricht kommen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ruprecht von Waldenfels

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	Wednesday, 18:00: J. Łozinska (Olsztyn): The place of Polish 
in Talmy’s typology of languages
Datum: 	Mon, 20 Nov 2023 09:53:00 +0100
Von: 	Ruprecht von Waldenfels <ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de>
An: 	jenling at listserv.uni-jena.de <jenling at listserv.uni-jena.de>, 
Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien <inst-slaw-kauk at uni-jena.de>, 
slavlist at lists.sbb.berlin <slavlist at lists.sbb.berlin>

Dear list,

we are happy to announce the next JenLing lecture in cooperation with 
the Aleksander-Brückner-Centre, Halle/Jena 
(https://www.aleksander-brueckner-zentrum.org ):

*Wednesday, 22.11.2023 18:00, **Fürstengraben 30, Seminarraum 1. OG, Jena
*as well as*ONLINE (see link below)

*Speaker: Joanna Łozińska* (Olsztyn, DAAD visiting scholar in Jena)
*Title: The place of Polish in Talmy’s typology of languages*
*Abstract:* The paper presents the analysis of voluntary and caused 
motion data in Polish. I draw on the elaboration on Talmy’s typology 
(which includes such new categories of languages as double-framed ones) 
and concentrate on event types rather than classification of a language 
as a whole. A number of factors which determine the level of integration 
of the construction used for describing a given motion situation have 
been singled out. Generally speaking, the more untypical path or manner 
of motion, the more the construction diverges from the common pattern of 
expressing motion in a given language. The aim of the present study is 
to discuss the syntactic constructions used for rendering motion in 
Polish depending on those factors.
     The study is based on the data elicited from 24 respondents, who 
described motion events. The stimuli comprised of two series of 
cartoons: one presenting caused motion and the other voluntary motion 
events. The motion situations presented to the respondents involved a 
variety of paths (i.e. into, out of, across and up) and manners of 
motion (e.g. walk, run, swim, slide or crawl).
     The study reveals asymmetries in the type of constructions used to 
depict usual and unusual manners of motion. In Polish the untypical 
manners of motion (e.g. raczkować ‘to crawl’) are lexicalized by means 
of less typical constructions (i.e. satellite-framed, e.g. Dziecko 
biegło przez ulicę ‘A child ran across the street’, subordination, e.g. 
Dziecko przeszło przez ulicę raczkując ‘A child across-went across the 
street crawling’ and coordination e.g., Hoppy wszedł na górkę i wtoczył 
kamień. ‘Hoppy went on the hill and rolled a stone’), which integrate 
manner to a lesser degree than double-framed construction. Double-framed 
construction (which in Polish means the use of the verbal prefix and 
preposition, as in Przeszedł przez ulicę. ‘(he) across-went across the 
street’) appears with typical manners of motion (e.g. biec ‘to run’). 
The study also shows that less typical path of motion, namely up, 
correlates with construction similar to the verb-framed and tends to be 
lexicalized by verbs coding, besides Manner, also Path (e.g. wdrapywać 
się ‘to clamber’ or piąć się ‘to climb’).

*Online participation: *
Meeting-ID: 642 6135 6249
Kenncode: 058613



Prof. Dr. Ruprecht von Waldenfels
Slawistische Sprachwissenschaft und
Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum für Polenstudien
Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Leutragraben 1
D-07743 Jena

Tel. +49 3641-9 44720
Fax +49 3641-9 44702
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