[SlawKaus] Talk by Dr Karli Storm-Närväinen tomorrow at 4pm (ZOOM) on "the Policing of Talyshness in Contemporary Azerbaijan"

Diana Forker diana.forker at uni-jena.de
Mi Jun 29 15:35:38 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues and students,

we cordially invite you to the ZOOM talk by Dr Karli Storm-Närväinen 
tomorrow at 4pm. Please find attached the abstract and an author's bio.

*Coping with the Reverberations of a Failed Experiment? Some Remarks on 
the Policing of Talyshness in Contemporary Azerbaijan*

Talk by

*Dr Karli-Jo Storm-Närväinen (Ph.D., Human Geography)*

University of Eastern Finland

/The event is part of the project Resilience in the South Caucasus: 
prospects and challenges of a new EU foreign policy concept — JENA-CAUC/


30 June 2022, 4pm


*Registration and more information: *


Please feel free to distribute the announcement among our students and 



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