[SlawKaus] CfA Summer School Viadrinicum 2022: University in Ruins. Scaffolding Futures (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 15-28 August 2022)

Johann Wiede johann.wiede at uni-jena.de
Mi Jun 29 16:04:03 CEST 2022

Liebe Liste,

hier eine Weiterleitung für die interessante und aktuelle Sommerschule
"Viadrinicum" in Frankfurt/Oder in der zweiten Augusthälfte.
Bewerbungsschluss ist schon der 3. Juli.

Viele Grüße

Johann Wiede


Dear colleagues, 

We would like to draw your attention to the following Call for
Applications for the summer school Viadrinicum 2022:


*Transsectoral Summer School:*

*University in Ruins. Scaffolding Futures*

*Frankfurt (Oder), 15 – 28 August 2022*

Viadrinicum is an annual summer school at European University Viadrina,
Frankfurt (Oder), devoted to the countries of the Eastern Partnership,
and the larger context of Central and Eastern Europe. Overshadowed by
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, this year’s edition will be
devoted to the role of university as a societal actor, especially in
times of war, with an emphasis on its capacity to provide social
imaginaries for better futures. 


The project is designed to give students, civil society activists and
cultural workers an opportunity to reflect in practical and theoretical
terms on the questions of rebuilding Ukrainian cities and thus to
counteract the common feeling of futurelessness created by the war. In
this regard, the image of a university in ruins is simultaneously a part
of a concrete war reality - our partner university in Kharkiv has been
partially destroyed by the missile attacks of the Russian army - and a
metaphor of an institution that might have lost one of its foundational
functions as a crucible for social universality. 


A combination of academic and non-academic formats will allow the
participants of the school to actively explore the possibilities for a
dialogue between different kinds of knowledge from academia, civil
society and the arts. On a more practical level, the school will offer
opportunities for applied experimentation in the setting of a
*participatory urban intervention* in the heart of the German-Polish
twin city Frankfurt (Oder)-Słubice, engaging local communities.


This will happen in the frame of three *lab.workshops* (Doc.Lab,
Makers.Lab, Planners.Lab), where the participants will be able to
develop their own small (team) projects with the assistance of
facilitators from the respective fields.


Besides that, there will be *round tables with researchers from the
Center for East European and International Studies* (ZOiS, Berlin),
*film screenings*, *public events*, and *Open Space* sessions, where
participants will have a chance to discuss their own scientific or
cultural work.


Participants of the school will be able to receive a travel
*scholarship*. Accommodation costs will be covered by the organizers. 


You can apply if you meet the following *requirements*:


·        You are a student, a PhD candidate, an NGO activist or an
artist up to 35 y/o.

·        You have a genuine interest in transsectoral and
interdisciplinary approaches to the topics of the school.

·        Your knowledge of English is sufficient to take an active part
in discussions.


The summer school is organized in cooperation with the Center for East
European and International Studies (ZOiS, Berlin) and the Center for
Urban Studies (CUS, Kyiv).

*Application form*can be filled out

Deadline for application: *3 July 2022*

More detailed information, including updates in the program of the
school, can be found atwww.viadrinicum.blog <http://www.viadrinicum.blog>.

We would be grateful for spreading the information further. Inter alia,
you can do it also by sharing our CfA posts on
on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CeqqwwRqNaV/ 

In case of any questions, feel free to contact us at
viadrinicum at europa-uni.de <mailto:viadrinicum at europa-uni.de>.

Best regards from the European University Viadrina,

Kirill Repin and Stefan Henkel



European-University Viadrina

Summer School Viadrinicum
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

viadrinicum at europa-uni.de <mailto:repin at europa-uni.de>
www.europa-uni.de/viadrinicum <http://www.europa-uni.de/viadrinicum>
www.facebook.com/viadrinicum <http://www.facebook.com/viadrinicum>

www.instagram.com/viadrinicum <http://www.instagram.com/viadrinicum/>





European-University Viadrina

Kirill Repin

Academic Coordinator
Summer School Viadrinicum
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

repin at europa-uni.de <mailto:repin at europa-uni.de>
www.europa-uni.de/viadrinicum <http://www.europa-uni.de/viadrinicum>
www.facebook.com/viadrinicum <http://www.facebook.com/viadrinicum>

www.instagram.com/viadrinicum <http://www.instagram.com/viadrinicum/>



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