[SlawKaus] WG: North Caucasus, Soviet Ethnic Heterogenity and Academic to the former USSR

Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien inst-slaw-kauk at uni-jena.de
Do Feb 11 09:14:26 CET 2021

Liebe Listenmitglieder,

anbei erhalten Sie eine E-Mail von Herrn Gianluca Pardelli; es geht unter anderem um das Angebot eines Online-Gastvortrags.

Freundliche Grüße

i.A. Ekkehard Lux

Von: Gianluca Pardelli <gianlucapardelli at outlook.com>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Februar 2021 19:18
An: diana.forker at uni-jena.de
Cc: Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien <inst-slaw-kauk at uni-jena.de>
Betreff: North Caucasus, Soviet Ethnic Heterogenity and Academic to the former USSR

Dear Professors, Research Fellows, Assistants and Administration Employees at the Caucasus Department of the University of Jena,

My name is Gianluca Pardelli and I am a Berlin-based journalist, translator, speaker and travel author with an academic background in Slavic Languages, Journalism and post-Soviet Studies. Since 2016 I also run a travel company focussed on cultural tours to little-visited destination in Russia, the former USSR and the countries of the bygone Eastern Bloc.

Over the course of the past years, I have had the privilege to exhibit my photographic works and give public speeches about Russia and the former Soviet Union. The list of my collaborations includes both academic institutions such as Heidelberg University, University of the Arts London and Humboldt-University Berlin and prestigious private entities like National Geographic. For the latter I also design and guide group tours around Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, I have been invited as a host in several online conferences and panel talks centred on Russia and the former USSR and I am now developing a series of ZOOM-guided walks across a few selected post-Soviet cities (such as Grozny and Almaty). Real physical tours are still running but their frequency is currently limited due to the ongoing travel restrictions.

I am now reaching out to you to explore the opportunity of organizing an online event (a talk, a debate or an interview) related to one of the main topics I have been regularly speaking and writing about, namely:

  *   Ethnic heterogeneity in Russia and the former USSR;
  *   Chechnya and the North Caucasus;
  *   Unrecognised countries and frozen conflicts in the post-Soviet space.

Furthermore, I also wanted to present you the possibility of using my company's services to arrange the logistical aspects of your prospective academic trips and on-site research works. This is, of course, a proposal for a post-pandemic (hopefully near) future.

The list of our off-the-beaten-path destinations includes Chechnya, Dagestan and the North Caucasus, Turkmenistan, the autonomous republics of Southern Siberia (Tuva, Altai, Buryatia, Khakassia), unrecognised countries / puppet states (Transnistria, Abkhazia and the like) as well as a few regions outside the former Warsaw Pact, such as Yugoslavia, North Korea and Afghanistan.

Please find a couple of links below that may help you to better understand my personal work and my company's profile.

Resume: https://www.gianlucapardelli.com/resume

Published articles and reportages: https://www.gianlucapardelli.com/tearsheets

Public talks and speeches: https://www.gianlucapardelli.com/speaking

Guiding activity: https://www.gianlucapardelli.com/guiding

Academic travel service: https://www.soviettours.com/academic

One of our most popular "classic" (non-academic) travel itineraries: https://www.soviettours.com/north-caucasus

Company's FAQ: https://www.soviettours.com/faq

While looking forward to hear your feedback on this, I wish you all the best for your academic and personal endeavours.

Kind regards,



Gianluca Pardelli

Photojournalist, Translator, Speaker,
Tour Operator, Author and Consultant.
Russia, Eastern Europe, Caucasus & Central Asia.

+49 15204639635

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