[SlawKaus] ABZ Jena: Blockseminar zum Ukrainischen im April 2021

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Do Mär 4 08:34:58 CET 2021

    Ukrainian in modern Ukrainian society: linguistic, historical and
    sociological aspects

*Course by Vasyl Starko (UKU Lviv), guest lecturer at the Aleksander 
Brückner Centre for Polish Studies in Jena*

The *Aleksander Brückner Centre Jena* is happy to offer the following 
course (Seminar) in *April 2021* *to students of the Unibund 
area**Halle-Jena-Leipzig and beyond.
*/NOTE: Knowledge of Ukrainian is not a prerequisite for attending the 

**Please note there will be a preparatory meeting on March 16th at 4:15 
pm on Zoom - please come if you are thinking of taking the course. *

*The lecturer:* Prof. Vasyl Starko is a cognitive linguist, a specialist 
in Ukrainian corpus linguistics and a pioneer of digital humanities in 

*When:* Preliminary dates for the course are April 9th/10th, 16th/17th, 
23th/24th and 30th each with 2 x 90 min, adding up to a full 2 SWS 
course, with a preparatory meeting on March 16th at 4:15 pm on Zoom 
(contact details below).

*Who and where:* The course is aimed at both BA and MA levels, with 
essay and reading requirements adjusted accordingly. Interested students 
from Jena, Halle and Leipzig as well as from other universities from all 
disciplines are invited to take part in the online course.

*Tentative plan:*

1. Ukrainian and Ukrainians in the Soviet Union.
2. Galicia’s role in the formation of Ukrainian.
3. Standardization and unstandardization of Ukrainian.
4. Dictionaries as a mirror of language planning.
5. Multilingual Ukraine: Ukrainian, Russian, and mixtures (surzhyk).
6. Languages and identities in post-Soviet Ukraine.
7. Language policy in modern Ukraine.
8. Language change at the turn of the 21st century.
9. Computational approaches to the study of Ukrainian.
10. Building a corpus of modern Ukrainian: challenges and complexities.

*For registration, zoom links and any further questions please write to: 
nikolaj.popov at uni-jena.de*

*Further information:*

Prof. Dr. Ruprecht von Waldenfels
Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum Halle/Jena
Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
D-07743 Jena

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