[SlawKaus] Südosteuropa Film am Mittwoch (29.01.)

Christoph Giesel dr.ch.giesel at posteo.de
Mo Jan 27 15:29:31 CET 2020


Liebe Studierende, Kolleg(inn)en und Freunde, 

hiermit möchte ich kurzfristig zu einem kleinen Filmabend der
Südosteuropastudien einladen, der im Rahmen der Kleinen-Fächer-Wochen

Gezeigt wird der bulgarische Dokumentafilm „Divorce Albanian Style" von
Adela Peeva, der in Albanien gedreht wurde. Zeitpunkt ist der
übermorgige Mittwoch (29.02.) um 19 Uhr, Ort: Institut für Slawistik
(Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8), Raum 301. Über ein zahlreiches Erscheinen und eine
Weiterverbreitung dieser Information (auch gerade über Social Media)
würden wir uns sehr freuen. 

 Informationen zum Film und ein Trailer sind unter: 

http://www.adelamedia.net/movies/divorce-albanian-style.php [1] 

verfügbar, eine Inhaltsbeschreibung im Folgenden: 

_ This story of love and separation takes place in the surreal world of
1960s communist Albania. As told by survivors of this extraordinary
period, Divorce Albanian Style reveals the experience of the many
thousands of families that were forcibly separated by the totalitarian
regime of Enver Hoxha, the longest-serving European dictator of the 20th

_ Near the height of his mania, in 1961 Enver Hoxha broke off Albania's
relations with the Soviet Union. Albanian men married to foreign women
were forced by the state to split from their wives - women from all over
Eastern Europe - who were subsequently expelled. The official reason was
alleged espionage. Hojda quickly created a mechanism to deal with those
who refused to leave. KGB-trained secret police collected "evidence",
minor clerks became "investigators", carpenters were made into
prosecutors and labor camps expanded._ 

_The women who stayed - and their husbands - spent years in prisons, the
last released in 1987. Divorce Albanian Style tells the stories of three
of these couples, and of the apparatchiks and officers of the secret
police who changed their lives forever._ 

_ Mit herzlichen Grüßen_ 

Christoph Giesel 

[1] http://www.adelamedia.net/movies/divorce-albanian-style.php
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