[SlawKaus] WG: Scholarships in Serbia, Summer 2019 - Stipendije u Srbiji, leto 2019

Milica Sabo milica.sabo at uni-jena.de
Do Apr 11 18:56:39 CEST 2019

Liebe Studierende,

eine weitere Möglichkeit einen Sommerkurs der serbischen Sprache zu besuchen.

Sie können sich gerne bei mir bei Interesse melden.

SchÖne Grüsse,

M. Sabo

Dr. Milica Sabo
milica.sabo at uni-jena.de<mailto:milica.sabo at uni-jena.de>

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Institut für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache
und Interkulturelle Studien
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8 (Raum 409)
07743 Jena
Tel: +49 (0) 3641 - 944 355

Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien
Lektorin für Kroatisch / Serbisch
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8 (Raum 324)
07743 Jena
Tel: +49 (0) 3641 - 944 728
South Slavistics und South East European Studies<http://www.slawkauk.uni-jena.de/sslsoe.html>

Von: Serbian Workshop <srpski at gmail.com>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. April 2019 18:18
An: Ruprecht von Waldenfels; Milica Sabo
Betreff: Scholarships in Serbia, Summer 2019 - Stipendije u Srbiji, leto 2019

(Please find the English version below)

Poštovani profesori, uvažene kolege,

Dozvolite mi da Vas obavestim da Radionica za srpski jezik i kulturu
dodeljuje stipendije-sniženja za studente srpskog i drugih slovenskih
jezika koji žele da posete Letnju školu srpskog jezika i kulture u
Valjevu, od 14. jula do 2. avgusta, 2019. godine. Jezičke kurseve
osmislili su mladi lingvisti sa Filološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u
Beogradu i Instituta za srpski jezik Srpske akademije nauke i
umetnosti, a kulturni program drže saradnici Kulturno-umetničkog
društva Abrašević i Narodnog muzeja u Valjevu. Više informacija o
stipendiji možete pronaći na linku
Molim Vas da o ovoj mogućnosti obavestite svoje studente i druge
zainteresovane pojedince, kao i da ih podržite svojim pismom preporuke
kako bi se kandidovali za učešće.
Osnovni program obuhvata:
1) 60 časova jezika,
2) 18 časova kulturnog seminara,
3) 3 ekskurzije,
4) smeštaj u dvokrevetnim sobama (posteljina i peškiri obezbeđeni),
5) slobodan pristup Internetu u školi,
6) slobodna upotreba kuhinje (posuđe i pribor obezbeđeni).

Redovna cena je 399 EUR, a uz Vašu preporuku i sa
stipendijom-sniženjem ona iznosi 199 EUR. Svi zainteresovani za učešće
treba da popune registracioni list
http://www.srpskijezik.edu.rs/regstip.doc i pošalju ga u atačmentu na
adresu srpski at gmail.com

Ukoliko Vam treba više informacija, stojim Vam na raspolaganju.

Doc.dr Predrag Obucina
Katedra za slavistiku, Filološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
direktor projekta Radionica za srpski jezik i kulturu
tel/viber/facetime: +381-631-631-631


Dear esteemed professors and colleagues,

Please allow me to inform you that Serbian Language and Culture
Workshop awards scholarships-discounts for students of Serbian and
other Slavic languages who wish to visit the Summer School of Serbian
Language and Culture in Valjevo, from July 14th to August 2nd, 2019.
Language courses are designed by young linguists from the Faculty of
Philology at the University of Belgrade and the Institute of Serbian
Language of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, while the
cultural seminars are conducted by the Cultural Artistic Society
Abrasevic and the National Museum in Valjevo. More information on the
scholarship can be found at

Please pass information about this opportunity to your students and
other interested individuals and support their application with a
recommendation letter.

The basic program includes:
1) 60 language classes,
2) 18 culture classes,
3) 3 excursions,
4) accommodation in double rooms (bed sheets and towels included),
5) free Internet access in the school,
6) free use of kitchen (dishes and utensils included).

The regular price is 399 EUR, but with your recommendation and with a
scholarship-discount it is 199 EUR. All interested candidates should
fill in the registration form
http://www.srpskijezik.edu.rs/regstip.doc and email it in an
attachment to srpski at gmail.com

If you need more information, I will be at your disposal.
Sincerely yours

Predrag Obucina, Assistant Professor
Slavic Department, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
Project Director at Serbian Language and Culture Workshop
tel/viber/facetime: +381-631-631-631
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