[SlawKaus] Vortrag von Grzegorz Demel am 12.12.

Elisabeth Bergmann elisabeth.bergmann at uni-jena.de
Do Dez 7 10:47:53 CET 2023

Liebe Liste,

herzliche Einladung am 12. Dezember um 17 Uhr zum Vortrag von Grzegorz  
Demel im Seminarraum 232 des Universitätshauptgebäudes der  
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Fürstengraben 1, 07743 Jena),  
organisiert vom Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum für Polenstudien. Auf  
Anfrage an diese oder die Mailadresse von Johann Wiede  
(johann.wiede at uni-jena.de) können Sie auch einen Zoomlink zu der  
Veranstaltung erhalten.
Der Anthropologe und Soziologe Grzegorz Demel vom Institut für  
Politikwissenschaft der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaft einen  
Vortrag unter dem Namen: Ukrainians meet one another. Encounters of  
the Ukrainian minority, of Ukrainian economic migrants and of  
Ukrainian refugees of war in Poland. Inclusion, exclusion and  
diaspora-forming processes.

Ukrainian community(ies) in Poland is (are) constituted by members of  
Ukrainian national minority (autochthonous, Polish citizens),  
immigrants arriving in Poland since 1990s, and war refugees fleeing  
war in Ukraine after 24 February 2022. Their encounter on Polish soil  
entangles complex processes which affect and are affected by  
Ukrainian-Ukrainian mutual imaginations and expectations, as well as  
by general society attitudes and state policies. These encounters take  
place between groups subjected to different types and scopes of  
exclusion and inclusion, which can be mitigated or aggravated by  
various specific positionalities visible in intersectional perspective.

Recurrently appearing in public debate question “Are Ukrainians in  
Poland welcomed or unwelcomed newcomers?” should be put  
differently:“(Un)welcomed by whom and in which role/position?”.

After Revolution of Dignity 2014 the concept of Ukrainian diasporic  
civil society in Poland has emerged in literature, but currently we  
should go beyond such a perspective and consider Ukrainians as a less  
or more specific subject of (general) civic society in Poland, as we  
can observe not only Ukrainian mass humanitarian surge and  
transnational mobilization for assistance to Ukraine, not only  
ethnic-focused activities in Poland, but also the clear attempts of  
Ukrainian organizations to act as significant actor in Polish public  

Poland has not adopted any long-term strategy of immigration and  
integration, thus debates of crucial importance in both symbolic and  
pragmatic dimension are still ahead. Ukrainian stance(s) in such  
debates, if are formulated, will constitute outwardly directed  
‘politicized diasporic discourses’ in pure form.

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