[SlawKaus] Invited "Romanian Non-Standard Corpus Development", 11.10.2023

Ilia Uchitel ilia.uchitel at gmail.com
Fr Okt 6 12:21:02 CEST 2023

Dear list,

we are pleased to invite you to a presentation by Associate Professor
Victoria Bobicev from the Technical University of Moldova. Her talk is
titled "Romanian Non-Standard Corpus Development" and addresses the issue
of creating linguistic electronic corpora of non-standard Romanian,
including their technical handling and linguistic annotation.

Associate Professor Bobicev is a member of the EU COST initiative dedicated
to the development of language resources for European languages.

The talk will take place on October 11th at 10:00 AM in Room 306,
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8.

Please feel free to invite colleagues who are interested in the Romanian
language and corpus linguistics.

Best regards,
Dr. Maria Shvedova
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