[SlawKaus] Parliamentary elections in Slovakia - Panel discussion, IDM Vienna & Zoom, 28 September 2023, 10.00 ? 11.30 CEST

Aneta Buckova aneta.buckova at uni-jena.de
Mo Sep 25 09:00:51 CEST 2023

Parliamentary elections in Slovakia Panel Discussion

*Parliamentary elections in Slovakia***


*Panel discussion*

*28 September, 10:00 - 11:30 CEST*

*Seminar room *

*Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe *

*Hahngasse 6/17, 1090 Vienna *

The Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the following migration
waves, inflation and energy crises have certainly contributed
significantly to the fall of Igor Matovi??s coalition formed after the
2020 parliamentary election. However, the main cause of instability and
the eventual collapse of the government was a series of personal
animosities between the leaders of the coalition parties. The vote of no
confidence and the gradual exit of the coalition ministers finally
culminated in the appointment of a caretaker government of experts in
June of this year. This should lead the country until the snap elections
planned for September 30th.

Four opposition parties are promising a stable government after months
of domestic turmoil. Former Prime Minister Robert Fico and his left-wing
nationalist party SMER-SSD enjoy the highest popularity, followed by the
?Progressive Slovakia?. The SMER-SSD renegades, organized in the HLAS-SD
party, are currently in third place. One of the post-election scenarios
could see the return of Robert Fico and his SMER-SSD party, associated
with corrupt practices, a mafia-like political culture and
Russia-friendly politics. What role play the war in Ukraine and current
narratives in the pre-election campaigns? Should we really expect change
in Slovakia?s foreign policy consisting an end to military support for
Ukraine? Experts from Slovakia and Austria analyse the current situation
ahead of the snap parliamentary elections.

Welcome Address
*Gerhard Marchl*, Head of the Department for European Politics,

Briefing on the current situation in Slovakia
*Daniel Marti?nek*, Research Associate, Institute for the Danube Region
and Central Europe (IDM)

Panel Discussion
*Ol?ga Gyarfa?s?ova?*, Professor at the Comenius University in Bratislava
*Grigorij Mesez?nikov*, President of the Institute for Public Affairs
(IVO), Bratislava
*Daniel Marti?nek*, Research Associate, Institute for the Danube Region
and Central Europe (IDM)

*Kinga Brudzin?ska*, Research Associate, Institute for the Danube Region
and Central Europe (IDM)

Registration for an onsite participation

Registration for an online participation

Programme in PDF version

*Read our expert analysis*


After months of political turmoil, the Slovaks will decide on a new
parliament in the upcoming early elections. The new government could
align Slovakia with the Russia-friendly states in Central Europe.
*Daniel Martínek*
analyses the election scenarios and their implications in the
region. The original version of the article (in German) has been
published at Eastblog of the University of Vienna and in the daily
newspaper DerStandard.

*English version*


*Daniel Martínek*
hat mit Blick über die Lage in der Slowakei vor den Parlamentswahlen
gesprochen, darunter auch, wie sich die Wahlergebnisse auf die
Unterstützung für die Ukraine auswirken könnten.

Lesen Sie den Artikel *hier*



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