[SlawKaus] CfA 27. Greifswalder Ukrainicum Summer School: After the Empires? Ukraine’s (Post-)Colonial Entanglements

Irenäus Kulik irenaeus.kulik at uni-jena.de
Do Jun 1 17:05:42 CEST 2023

Liebes Kollegium, liebe Studierende,

unten leite ich Ihnen den Call for Applications zur Sommerschule 
/Greifswalder Ukrainicum/ mit dem Thema "After the Empires? Ukraine’s 
(Post-)Colonial Entanglements" weiter.

Herzliche Grüße
Irenäus Kulik

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	[Slavlist] #CfA XXVII. Greifswalder Ukrainicum Summer School: 
After the Empires? Ukraine’s (Post-)Colonial Entanglements
Datum: 	Thu, 1 Jun 2023 16:38:22 +0200
Von: 	Hubel, Melina <melina.hubel at wiko-greifswald.de>
An: 	slavlist at lists.sbb.berlin

Liebe Kolleg*innen, liebe Interessierte,

hiermit möchte ich Sie auf den CfA für die Sommerschule Ukrainicum
"After the Empires? Ukraine’s (Post-)Colonial Entanglements"
aufmerksam machen, die vom 07.08.2023 bis zum 19.08.2023 in Greifswald
stattfinden wird.

Über eine Weiterleitung an Ihre Studierenden und Doktorand*innen der
Slawistik und Ukrainistik würden wir uns sehr freuen. Auch
Interessierte anderer Disziplinen und Karrierestufen sind herzlich
dazu eingeladen, sich bis zum 19. Juni um die Teilnahme und ein
Reisestipendium zu bewerben!

Um direkt zum CfA und zum Bewerbungsformular auf der Homepage des
Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskollegs Greifswald zu gelangen, folgen Sie
einfach diesem Link [1].

Bei Fragen stehe ich selbstverständlich zur Verfügung.

Mit besten Grüßen aus Greifswald

Melina Hubel

XXVII. Greifswalder Ukrainicum – Greifswald Ukrainian Summer School
under the academic direction of Professor Dr. Roman Dubasevych
(Greifswald) and Dr. Oleksandr Chertenko (Giessen)

Ever since Russia launched its full-scale war against Ukraine on
February 24, 2022, Ukraine has been the focus of attention on a global
scale. Most commonly, the Russo-Ukrainian war has been explained, both
in Ukraine and abroad, by applying the conceptual apparatus of
Postcolonial Theory. In this vein, Putin’s aggression has been
interpreted as a continuation of the centuries-old “Russian
colonization.” Ukrainian resistance, in turn, has been largely
recognized as an “anticolonial war” going hand in hand with a
“decolonial” “canceling of Russian culture.”

Such univocal explanations, however, do not do justice to Ukraine’s
multifaceted interactions with multiple imperial centers in the past
and in the present, esp. with the Russian and the Soviet one.
Moreover, they seemingly disregard Ukraine’s conflicting, often
polyvalent memories and cultural self-identifications, which arise
from different imperial experiences, presenting the country’s
history as a kind of teleological unity. But can this understanding of
Ukraine’s “postcoloniality” really cover the complexity of
Ukraine’s cultural, political, social, and economic situation
“after the empires”? And can Postcolonial Theory and Postimperial
Studies be pulled back from the clutches of propagandistic
oversimplification in times of war-induced mobilization?

Using this as a starting point, the upcoming summer academy will try
to figure out how both Postcolonial Theory and Postimperial Studies
can possibly remain productive for the analysis of the highly complex
and dynamic balances of power and knowledge between culturally and
ethnically related “colonizers” and “colonized.” What
historical and cultural backgrounds does Ukrainian
“postcoloniality” (or “postimperiality”) imply and what modes
of interaction with imperial centers did it develop in the course of
time? Can Ukrainian situation after 1991 (and after February 2022) be
compared to the situation in other Eastern European (post-socialist,
post-communist, post-Soviet) countries, such as Belarus or Poland, and
if yes—what insights can such a comparison produce? Is there any
space for the exploration of postcolonial complexities in wartime?
What are the possible pitfalls for employing postcolonial/postimperial
vocabulary and analytical tools?

The summer academy on Ukraine “After the Empires” will deal with
these and other issues in a transdisciplinary manner. Basing on
historical and contemporary Ukrainian examples, it will at the same
time try to contextualize the phenomenon of “postcolonial Ukraine”
within the “postcolonial Eastern Europe” and within the global
debates on post- and decoloniality. We will thus focus on the specific
profile of Ukraine’s post-socialist postcoloniality/postimperiality
as compared to the postcolonialities in “classic” oversee
colonies. On top of that, we will discuss other—non-Russian and
non-Soviet—postcolonial/postimperial continuities, such as the
legacies of the “Western” Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the
Habsburg Empire. Hereby, a highly complex relation between
postcoloniality and nationalism, as well as various nationalist
appropriations of the postcolonial discourse for the sake of
“national consolidation” will be addressed. Ultimately, we will
try to figure out what these multiple postcolonial/postimperial
positionalities mean for the theory and how the theory could help us
in understanding Ukrainian situation during and after the war.

All attendees will get a chance to work intensively on these topics in
Greifswald. During this time, they will also have multiple
possibilities to network with other junior and experienced academics
and scholars.

Application deadline is June 19th.

     XXVII. Greifswalder Ukrainicum’s keynote lecture on
“Postcolonial Perspectives on Eastern Europe: Ambivalences and
Simplifications” will be held by Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann (Justus
Liebig University Giessen). The introductory lecture will be given by
JProf. Dr. Roman Dubasevych (University of Greifswald).
     This year’s seminars will be held, among others, by Prof. Dr.
Tomasz Zarycki (Warsaw),Dr. Tarik Cyril Amar (Istanbul) and Dr.
Oleksandr Chertenko (Giessen).
     Language courses are going to be taught by PD Dr. Hanna Shvets
(Kyiv), Dr. Olena Synchak (L’viv) and Dr. Ksenia Borodin (L’viv).
     Guest speaker is Dr. Inna Melnykovska.
     In response to the growing demand, Lydia Nagel (Berlin), a
renown translator of Ukrainian literature into German, will offer a
mini-workshop which will introduce the participants into the
challenges of literary translation.  The workshop will take place on
August 12.
     Greifswalder Ukrainicum will also include the screening of two
movies: “Atlantis” (Atlantyda, UA 2019) by Valentyn Vasyanovych,
and “Luxemburg, Luxemburg” by Antonio Lukich. Each of the
screenings will be followed by a discussion.

In addition to the main program, we warmly invite you to take part in
the workshop “Ukraine and Eastern Europe in Post-Soviet Period:
Democratization, Nationalization, Autocratization (1991-2021)” which
will take place during Ukrainicum as part of the joint project
"(Un-)Disciplined: Pluralizing Ukrainian Studies—Understanding
Ukrainian War" funded by German Ministry of Education and Research.
Conducted by Dr. Mykhailo Minakov, the workshop consists of three
units—August 10 (per Zoom), August 15 & 16 (in presence)—and
focuses on the analysis of Ukraine’s development from
transitological and decolonial perspectives. Its members will be
granted a separate funding, so we strongly encourage the participants
of the Ukrainicum to apply for this event, too. Separate applications
for this event are also welcome.

Melina Hubel M.A.
[sie/ihr; she/her]
Betreuung Schwerpunkt Mittel- und Osteuropa
Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald
Martin-Luther-Straße 14
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420-5014 melina.hubel at wiko-greifswald.de

Bitte beachten Sie, dass aufgrund der
aktuellen Corona-Pandemie keine regelmäßige Präsenz im
Büro möglich ist.

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