[SlawKaus] Summer Job in Kasachstan / Armenia

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
So Apr 16 08:14:08 CEST 2023

LIebe Absolventen,

das könnte etwas für unsere fortgeschrittene Studis / AbsolventInnen sein.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ruprecht von Waldenfels

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	[mosling] летняя работа в Казахстане и Армении
Datum: 	Fri, 7 Apr 2023 08:04:50 -0400
Von: 	Laura Janda <janda.laura at gmail.com>
An: 	mosling at googlegroups.com

Может быть кому-то годится:



American Councils seeks qualified candidates to serve as 
Russian-speaking Resident Directors in Almaty, Kazakhstan and Yerevan, 
Armenia to work on Russian language programs for U.S. undergraduate and 
graduate students for the Summer 2023 semester and beyond. The programs 
offer intensive Russian language instruction and structured cultural 
experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. American Councils 
provides international travel, housing, and overseas insurance in 
addition to salary for Resident Directors who reside outside the 
program’s host-country at the time of their hire. By prioritizing 
inclusion and access, the programs ensure that the next generation of 
America’s global leaders reflects its diversity.

Resident Directors are American Councils’ chief onsite liaisons. They 
work with the host institution; manage communications between American 
Councils, program participants, and local staff; arrange logistics for 
the group; advise participants as required; uphold American Councils 
program policies; and resolve medical and other issues as necessary in 
close communication with the Washington, DC office.

Resident Directors must be available to program participants on a daily 
basis; observe classes at the host institution; meet regularly with 
teachers, administrators, and participants; arrange group travel and 
cultural programs; and coordinate other events and activities focused on 
the immersion experience. Resident Directors must be available to 
participants during any emergencies that arise and must communicate 
regularly with American Councils program staff in Washington, DC. 
Resident Directors are not allowed to leave the program site or group 
excursions to conduct personal travel while classes are in session. 
Resident Directors oversee a small program budget and are responsible 
for proper documentation of program expenditures and timely completion 
of a budget report at the end of each month and at the end of the 
program. Other reporting requirements may apply.

Resident Directors are required to complete orientation and training 
programs. Resident Directors may be asked to travel with their 
respective participant groups at the beginning and end of their 
programs. Resident Directors report to the DC-based Program Manager and 
staff. All offers are contingent upon the candidate’s ability to legally 
work and reside in Kazakhstan or Armenia.


  * Being responsible for and available to a group of American
    undergraduate and graduate  students at all times during the program;

  * Advising program participants as needed on a variety of
    language-learning, cultural, adjustment and logistical aspects of
    the program, including on issues such as group dynamics and
    interpersonal relationships;

  * Reporting on program activities to program staff in Washington, DC
    or staff in the host country;

  * Responding to participant emergencies, including assisting
    participants with securing medical care and navigating local clinics
    and hospitals;

  * Supporting students from diverse backgrounds as well as students who
    have never traveled abroad before;

  * Liaising with the host institution and local program staff;

  * Observing the academic program;

  * Arranging group travel and cultural programs, as well as volunteer
    opportunities and other program events;

  * Maintaining adherence to program rules and policies among
    participants, including a language policy;

  * Managing a small budget of program funds and maintaining detailed
    financial documentation, including monthly reports;

  * Collecting photographs and videos from students and local staff;

  * Completing a pre-departure orientation and training session;

  * Working with host families, which may include selection and
    monitoring of host families, conducting site visits, maintaining
    weekly communication, and conflict resolution;

  * Supervising the work of an assistant;

  * Resolving other program-related issues as necessary; and

  * Performing other program-related tasks as directed.


    Advanced written and oral language skills in Russian (minimum 2/2+
    on DLPT scale, Advanced on ACTFL scale);

    Native or near native proficiency in English;

  * Study, work, or extensive travel experience in Russia, Eastern
    Europe, and/or Eurasia;

  * Extensive understanding of U.S. higher education culture;

  * Experience working in a position of authority with undergraduate, or
    graduate students;

  * Experience overseeing and guiding groups (preferred);

  * Demonstrated skills in academic and personal counseling (preferred); and

  * Demonstrated skills in general financial accountability(preferred).


All candidates offered a position will be required to provide proof of 
full Covid-19 vaccination status. American Councils and relevant parties 
will continue to closely review public health and travel conditions to 
determine whether participants can travel overseas. The Resident 
Director position is contingent upon the approval of overseas travel for 
participants. Resumes will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the 
position is filled.




Please use this link 
<https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs/ViewJobDetails?job=65591&clientkey=58AA089E0E2C786B7FE4217373F3BCBD> (https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs/ViewJobDetails?job=65591&clientkey=58AA089E0E2C786B7FE4217373F3BCBD 
to submit your application to American Councils. If you have any 
questions, please direct them to Vladka Shikova, Senior Program Manager, 
Outbound Programs, American Councils for International Education:

shikova at americancouncils.org




American Councils is committed to taking affirmative steps to enhance 
employment opportunities for minorities, women, veterans, and people 
with disabilities, and strives to ensure that meaningful employment and 
promotional opportunities are maintained for everyone. American 
Councils’ commitment to equal employment opportunity is based not only 
on federal requirements, but also on a longstanding commitment to 
maintaining a diverse workforce reflective of the communities in which 
we operate.

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