[SlawKaus] Weiterleitung: Forschungsprojekt "Branding the past and producing locality: the case of post-German heritage in Poland"

Johann Wiede johann.wiede at uni-jena.de
Mi Apr 12 11:54:17 CEST 2023

Liebe Liste,

als Weiterleitung ein Hinweis auf ein interessantes Forschungsprojekt
der Uni Bielefeld mit Exkursion in die Masuren gerichtet an Master- und
Promotionsstudierende mit Polnischkenntnissen. Bewerbungsfrist ist der
20. April.

Beste Grüße

Johann Wiede


*Branding the past and producing locality: the case of post-German
heritage in Poland*

Call for Research Trainees

The Warsaw-based Foundation for Landscape Protection and Promotion of
Regions NUMINOSUM and the Chair of Public History at the Bielefeld
University are looking for two Research Trainees for the project
“Branding the past and producing locality: the case of post-German
heritage in Poland.”

The aim of this project is to explore the entanglements between public
history, cultural heritage and branding – both in theory and in
practice. By focusing on cultural heritage left behind by Germans after
their flight and expulsion from those parts of East Prussia that have
become part of Poland in 1945, we will deal with the most
extensive and complex instance of cultural succession in post-war
Europe. Theoretically, we will engage with seminal readings on cultural
heritage, branding and the “production of locality” (Appadurai).
Empirically, we will collect and analyse material related to selected
cases of using post-German heritage in north-eastern Poland.

*Your responsibilities:*
• data collection during a research trip to Masuria in early June 2023
(one week)
• desktop research preceding and following the research trip
• participation in a public event presenting the outcomes of the project

*Your essential qualifications:*
• enrolment in a MA-program or PhD studies at a German university
• good command of English
• historical and/or anthropological imagination
• desire to gain practical research experience in an intercultural context
• strong interpersonal skills
Your optional qualifications:
• familiarity with the contemporary history of East Central Europe
• command of Polish

*Our offer:*
• insights into a highly innovative, interdisciplinary and intercultural
research project
• opportunity to get essential research skills at the intersection of
history and anthropology
• fully paid one-week research trip to Poland
• further training opportunities including an intense workshop in
project management

Applications including a CV as well as a motivation letter shall be sent
until 20 April 2023 to the convenors of the project Wojciech Bedyński
(w.bedynski at uw.edu.pl) and Kornelia Kończal
(kornelia.konczal at uni-bielefeld.de).

“Branding the past and producing locality: the case of post-German
heritage in Poland” is a collaborative project between the Warsaw-based
Foundation for Landscape Protection and Promotion of Regions NUMINOSUM
and the Chair of Public History at the Bielefeld University. The project
is supported by the German-Polish Science Foundation.

Johann Wiede, M.A.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter /
Projektkoordinator Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum Jena

Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien 
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena JenTower
Leutragraben 1 Raum 08S08
07743 Jena

Email: johann.wiede(at)uni-jena(dot)de


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