[SlawKaus] WG: Let's help Ukrainian children together!

Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien inst-slaw-kauk at uni-jena.de
Do Mär 2 14:46:53 CET 2023


I hope you're doing well.

I would like to follow up on my previous email. Please let me know if you can share information about our charity project which helps Ukrainian kids during the ongoing war. We are not seeking financial assistance, but rather help in spreading awareness among your students about Let's Shake Hands. We hope that some of your students would be willing to become mentors and conduct several classes for Ukrainian children. Together we will be able to change the lives of hundreds of kids for the better. Please don't remain indifferent.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns or if you need any additional information from me. I will send it to you right away. Please feel free to forward my email to the appropriate office. We are really looking forward to our collaboration. All the best, Daria

On Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 4:39 PM Let's Shake Hands <team.letshakehands at gmail.com<mailto:team.letshakehands at gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Daria Stepanova, a member of the Let's Shake Hands community, which aims to assist Ukrainian children in adapting to their new living environments abroad.

As a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of children have been forced to flee their homes and interrupt their education in order to ensure their safety. Our mission is to assist these children affected by the war in returning to as normal of a daily life as possible, with a particular focus on helping them continue their education. Our charity project believes that one way to do this is through connecting Ukrainian children with young people from other countries who can assist them in learning a foreign language and other subjects. We hope that this will help these children regain their belief in humanity and even make friends from different parts of the world.

You can learn more about our organization and its initiatives on our website, https://letshakehands.com/.

We are currently looking for mentors among students who would be willing to conduct several classes for Ukrainian children. It will be especially relevant for students studying pedagogy and wishing to practice. However, they don't have to be experts in teaching but just young people willing to help. Therefore, we would like to request that you consider sharing information about our organization to your students. We believe that this teaching practice will help your students develop skills such as time management, communication, creative thinking and increase their self-confidence. And it will also be a good experience of volunteering in a young startup. We would also be very grateful if some of your professors could hold an open lesson for our current mentors to share with them the methods of teaching and attention retention. It would really help our current students.

Your support will make a huge difference to these poor kids and help them believe that there are good people in the world. Thanks to your help in sharing information about Let's Shake Hands, we can change the lives of hundreds of Ukrainian children for the better. Please do not remain indifferent. Let's make the world a better place together!

If this is something that interests you, please let me know and I would be more than happy to schedule a call with you to discuss the Let's Shake Hands project in further details.

Please feel free to forward this email to the appropriate office.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Daria Stepanova

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