[SlawKaus] Call for Proposals - Music and Dance of the Slavic World - 4th Symposium

Kahl, Thede Thede.Kahl at oeaw.ac.at
Do Feb 2 20:28:18 CET 2023

Liebe Gemeinde,
als Gründungsmitglied der Arbeitsgruppe "Music and Dance of the Slavic World" (gegründet 2015 in Astana) darf ich diese Nachricht weiterleiten.
Bei Interesse bitte direct bei Łukasz Smoluch unter lukasz.smoluch at amu.edu.pl<mailto:lukasz.smoluch at amu.edu.pl> melden.
Alles Beste,

Dear Colleague,

I hope this letter will find you in good health.
On behalf of the executive board of the ICTM study group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World and the Program Committee of the 4th Symposium, I warmly welcome you and share the Call for Proposals (see in attachment). The meeting will be held in Prague on October 5-7, 2023. The application deadline is March 26, 2023. Please, see all the details in the announcement.

We would also ask you to share this letter with your colleagues who might be interested in participating.

Best regards,
Łukasz Smoluch
Secretary of the ICTM study group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World
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