[SlawKaus] Vortrag HEUTE: Variation im Tschechischen

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Mi Nov 6 09:24:41 CET 2019

Liebe Alle,

leide ist mir in einer der vergangenen Mitteilungen ein Fehler 
unterlaufen, deshalb die Klarstellung: der Vortrag von Herrn Cvrcek 
findet HEUTE statt.

Herzliche Grüße,
Ruprecht von Waldenfels

Am 04.11.19 um 12:03 schrieb Ruprecht von Waldenfels:
> Liebe Alle,
> anbei finden Sie den Abstract zu dem bereits angekündigten Vortrag zum 
> Variation im Tschechischen.
> Mit besten Grüßen,
> Martina Berrocal
> Václav Cvrček (Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles
> University Prague): Corpus-based studies of language variation - the
> case of Czech.
> Ort: Seminarraum der Germanistischen Linguistik, Fürstengraben 30, 1.OG
> Abstract:
> Language variation presents one of the key research questions in 
> linguistic inquiry. As I would argue in my talk, due to the empirical 
> nature of linguistic variation it is best observed and studied via 
> large language corpora. Furthermore, to study language variation means 
> not only to enumerate its manifestations, but to take into 
> consideration the function it plays on different linguistic levels. 
> With most of the functions of language variation being employed at the 
> textual level, it seems important to focus specifically on variation 
> of texts. This research framework was coined more than 30 years ago by 
> Douglas Biber in his seminal work on multi-dimensional analysis (MDA) 
> of register variability.
> In my talk I will focus mainly on the issues and challenges of the 
> study of language variation in Czech, the first Slavic language with a 
> full-blown analysis of this kind. Apart from charting the space of 
> variation of texts in Czech I will briefly discuss also some of the 
> applications of the multi-dimensional model.
> -- 
> Dr. Martina Berrocal
> Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien
> wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
> Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8 (Raum 306)
> 07743 Jena
> Tel: +49 (0) 3641 - 944 721
> *New publication: *Political Discourse in Central, Eastern and Balkan 
> Europe (book)
> https://www.benjamins.com/catalog/dapsac.84

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