[SlawKaus] Vortrag: Variation im Tschechischen

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Mo Nov 4 12:03:08 CET 2019

Liebe Alle,

anbei finden Sie den Abstract zu dem bereits angekündigten Vortrag zum 
Variation im Tschechischen.

Mit besten Grüßen,
Martina Berrocal

Václav Cvrček (Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles
University Prague): Corpus-based studies of language variation - the
case of Czech.
Ort: Seminarraum der Germanistischen Linguistik, Fürstengraben 30, 1.OG

Language variation presents one of the key research questions in 
linguistic inquiry. As I would argue in my talk, due to the empirical 
nature of linguistic variation it is best observed and studied via large 
language corpora. Furthermore, to study language variation means not 
only to enumerate its manifestations, but to take into consideration the 
function it plays on different linguistic levels. With most of the 
functions of language variation being employed at the textual level, it 
seems important to focus specifically on variation of texts. This 
research framework was coined more than 30 years ago by Douglas Biber in 
his seminal work on multi-dimensional analysis (MDA) of register 
In my talk I will focus mainly on the issues and challenges of the study 
of language variation in Czech, the first Slavic language with a 
full-blown analysis of this kind. Apart from charting the space of 
variation of texts in Czech I will briefly discuss also some of the 
applications of the multi-dimensional model.

Dr. Martina Berrocal
Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8 (Raum 306)
07743 Jena
Tel: +49 (0) 3641 - 944 721

*New publication: *Political Discourse in Central, Eastern and Balkan 
Europe (book)

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