[SlawKaus] Gastvortrag: Russische Soziolinguistik in Georgien

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Di Mai 14 14:02:20 CEST 2019

Liebe Alle,

am kommenden Montag, 20.5., spricht in Raum 301 im Rahmen des 
Kolloquiums der slawistischen Sprachwissenschaft ab etwa 18:20:

Tinatin Bolkvade
(Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Georgia)

Russian Language in Soviet and Post-Soviet Georgia

During the Soviet period, the Georgian language was the state language 
of Georgia, but  Russian was the lingua franca as Russian was used as a 
means of communication between the various language communities of the 
Soviet Union.
Lack of knowledge of Russian created serious obstacles for those who 
wanted to achieve high-level positions in society. The Russian language 
played a leading role thanks to a high-level teaching of the Russian 
language. This was an integral part of the state policy, strengthening 
by urbanization, industrialization and mixed marriages. The attempt to 
spread Russian inside the Soviet republics was based purely on 
ideological and political grounds: it served “russification” well, and 
ensured the demolition of historical links and relations among nationals 
within these republics. This, in turn, strengthened the creation and 
secured the boundaries of the Soviet Union.
In modern Georgia, Russian has preserved only some functions that are 
step by step etiolated. However, it remains one of the means of 
communication with former Soviet states. Russian is the language which 
is used in tourism; it’s taught at secondary and high schools. Besides, 
it is taken as a foreign language exam to enrol in higher institutions 
and is used for scientific research.

Herzliche Einladung!

Ruprecht von Waldenfels

Diana Forker

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