[NMR-user] ZAF: open access out of order on 04.07. until 2 pm

NMR-Service-Plattform nmr-service at uni-jena.de
Do Jul 4 15:02:29 CEST 2024

Dear users,

please feel free to use the open access spectrometers in ZAF again. Everything is back in order.

All the best
Leon Lange

Am 03.07.2024 um 16:00 schrieb NMR-Service-Plattform <nmr-service at uni-jena.de>:

Dear users,

due to the maintenance of the pressurized air supply and the resulting lack of such, the open access nmr in ZAF remains closed on Thursday 04.07. until 14:00. Please plan accordingly.

All the best

Leon Lange


Chemisch-Geowissenschaftliche Fakultät
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Humboldtstraße 10
07743 Jena

eMail  : nmr-service at uni-jena.de
Web    : https://www.nmr.uni-jena.de

Leiter der Einrichtung: Dr. N. Schlörer

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