[NMR-user] Nachtmessungen / Night measurements

Nils Schlörer nils.schloerer at uni-jena.de
Do Apr 25 14:24:49 CEST 2024

Dear users,

in the light of recent events, we would like to remind you that the open access instrument in IOMC (300 MHz in K005B) has only a limited amount of measurement time each night. For details, please carefully read the attached file and the poster located next to the spectrometer screen.

Thank you for your support,
kind regards

Dr. Nils Schloerer
NMR Spectroscopy Platform
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Humboldtstr. 10
07743 Jena

Room K006A

Tel.: +49 (0)3641 948253
E-Mail: nils.schloerer at uni-jena.de

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Dateiname   : Nachtmessungen_BR_DD.pdf
Dateityp    : application/pdf
Dateigröße  : 81251 bytes
Beschreibung: Nachtmessungen_BR_DD.pdf
URL         : <https://lserv.uni-jena.de/pipermail/nmr-user/attachments/20240425/8b536496/attachment-0001.pdf>

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