[NMR-user] ZAF: Open Access NMR I closed due to broken sample

Leon Lange leon.xavier.lange at uni-jena.de
Fr Apr 19 09:40:29 CEST 2024

Dear all,

unfortunately a sample tube seems to have broken inside of the probe of the open access instrument in ZAF. We are currently working on removing the glass, cleaning and reinstalling the probe, hence the open access NMR I can not be used right now. You will be informed as soon as the device can be used again.

Thank you for your understanding.

All the best

Leon Lange


Leon Lange


Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Humboldtstr. 10

07743 Jena, Germany

Tel.:         +49(0) 3641 9482 58 (K006)

E-Mail:     leon.xavier.lange at uni-jena.de<mailto:grit.festag at uni-jena.de>

Internet:   www.nmr.uni-jena.de<http://www.nmr.uni-jena.de>; www.schubert-group.de<http://www.schubert-group.de/>


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