[BEXIS2-Users] BEXIS 2 data structures and data upload

bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de
Fr Feb 3 13:37:44 CET 2017


I managed to import my first metadata structure (for unstructured data), to create a new dataset and to upload the first data!
As far as I can see, this procedure should allow us to transfer the unstructured data in our collection to the BExIS 2 system. What work this involves and to what degree this can be automated is still open and touches upon Thorsten's work.

Along the way I came across a series of questions that I append below.

All the best

Here are the remarks:

Problems with BExIS2 Metadata management

1. Choosing a file on your own computer is somewhat unintuitive. The name of the file appears outside the focus of attention in the upper right corner of the window.

2. First I received the message “Unable to cast object of type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement' to type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroup'.” which I don’t understand. I changed some <xsd:all> to <xsd:sequence> which allowed the upload, but the issue still remains mysterious.

3. On the “Read Source” there is a field for “Root node” which is not explained and probably not needed.

4. On the page “Set Parameters” there is a “Selection” element, which offers only a single choice (“BExIS.Dlm.Entities.Data.Dataset”: What does that mean?) when starting. When leaving it blank and selecting title and description fields, there is a message “Please select the missing field”. But there is no available choice anymore.

5. It is not quite clear, which options are offered for title and description. It seems that <xsd:all> is not evaluated here.

6. In the Help sections, images
are missing.

7. Minor Problem with UTF-8 on help page “5. Data Structure Manager”:
…only one Data Attribute ‘Count’ is needed to build a Data Structure

8. Why are there two entries “Manage Units“: One under “Plan” and one in the administrative menu? Are these different?

9. On the page “Create Dataset“ I cannot change the name “New Dataset” when creating a new set.

10. When a Data Structure is created, there seems to be no way to modify it, e.g. changing a field from “required” to “optional”. Roman wrote “All fields are indicated as required fields. This is just because we use a different way of defining required fields in the XSD. Not a big deal, just needs someone to go through and change the definition.” The only way to achieve this seems to be by creating a new version of the data structure, uploading it and removing the earlier version. Is this the intended procedure?

11. If I choose “Edit metadata structure”, the window appearing has some question marks which don’t seem to have any effect,

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