[BEXIS2-Dev] Reminder: ICEI2018 Call Now Open for Oral Presentation - BEXIS Special Session
bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
Mi Feb 28 11:40:02 CET 2018
Dear colleagues,
this is a gentle reminder of the open call for abstracts to our special
session on BEXIS 2 at ICEI 2018. Please find more details in the email
enclosed below.
In case you are a data manager of one of the BEXIS 2 instances, please
consider forwarding this message to or inviting colleagues from your
user community to a joint presentation/abstract.
Best wishes,
(on behalf of the session chairs)
Am 06.02.2018 um 16:11 schrieb Roman Gerlach:
> Dear colleagues,
> we are happy to announce that the call is open now and we invite
> abstracts for oral presentation in our special session called:
> *
> **"**Using BEXIS 2 to facilitate science from data collection to data
> publication."*
> This special session at ICEI Conference in Jena will substitute our
> annual BEXIS User and Developer Conference this year.
> Full session information can be found on the conference website:
> http://icei2018.uni-jena.de/program/ (Sessions 3.8)
> Author guidelines are available here: http://icei2018.uni-jena.de/calls/
> Important dates:
> submission deadline for abstracts: MARCH 18, 2018.
> acceptance notification for this session: April 13, 2018
> camera-ready copy of abstract from the submitter: MAY 15, 2018
> All oral presentations will be of 15 minutes duration (talk +
> questions), to make it easier for participants to move between session
> if they want.
> We are looking forward to your submissions!
> Best wishes,
> Roman
> (on behalf of the session chairs)
> --
> Roman Gerlach
> Head of Research Data Management Helpdesk
> Michael-Stifel Center, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
> Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2-4, 07743 Jena (Germany)
> Visiting address:
> Leutragraben 1, Jentower 17N04, Jena (Germany)
> +49-(0)3641-948968
> http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5104-4247
> http://www.researchdata.uni-jena.de/
> http://bexis2.uni-jena.de/
Roman Gerlach
Head of Research Data Management Helpdesk
Michael-Stifel Center, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2-4, 07743 Jena (Germany)
Visiting address:
Leutragraben 1, Jentower 17N04, Jena (Germany)
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