[BEXIS2-Dev] BEXIS 2.11.0 RC1 ready for testing
bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
Mo Jul 31 10:14:22 CEST 2017
Hi all,
we'd like to invite everyone to participate in the testing of the new
BEXIS 2.11.0 release candidate (RC1). Tentative release date is 18/08/2017.
the application is accessible via:
(only inside FSU network)
First, create your own account (register).
- for this RC1, please focus on CRUD operation on data sets/data structures/data types/variable templates
- most security related features are turned off right now, so everyone has access to everything
- the performance of the test machine (VM) is rather poor, so if the application seems to be slow, its because of the VM
If you have found a bug/issue and want to report it, please log on to
TFS: http://bexis2.vmguest.uni-jena.de:8080/tfs/BExIS/Core/
If you do not have an account on TFS, please contact us on: bexis-support at uni-jena.de
To report an issue on TFS, create a "*Change Request*" and provide the following information:
- Enter a meaningful Title
- If you consider the issue to be a bug, specify how you found the
failure under "Steps to reproduce"
- Enter the Build number (e.g. 2101) under "System" > "Found In Build"
- Specify System Info (e.g. database type, browser)
- Select the "Severity" of the issue/bug in the "Details" section
1 = bug leading to system crash, run time error, etc.
2 = bug leading to unexpected behaviour of a component/function
3 = issue effecting the usability or consistency (e.g. layout, text,
messages, error messages)
4 = any other improvement / feature request
- Select the Area (e.g. module)
- Enter the "Acceptance Criteria" specifying how the system/function
should work
- Add Attachments (e.g. screen shots) if needed
for any small UI issue found during testing (e.g. typos, name issues,
button placement, etc.) please do not create a separate change request.
Instead just report them to one of the following UI issue collections:
#1515: R2110 UI issue collection - Research Planning
#1516: R2110 UI issue collection - Data Discovery
#1514: R2110 UI issue collection - System Administration
#1517: R2110 UI issue collection - Data Dissemination
#1518: R2110 UI issue collection - Data Collection
During the release period we will have a daily stand-up meeting at
11:30 in the Telco room. Feel free to join for further discussions.
Many thanks
Roman Gerlach
Kontaktstelle Forschungsdatenmanagement
Projektkoordinator eeFDM, BExIS++
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Leutragraben 1, Jentower 17N04
07743 Jena
Tel.: +49-(0)3641-948968
Email: roman.gerlach at uni-jena.de
Web: http://www.uni-jena.de/forschungsdatenmanagement.html
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