[SlawKaus] Workshops zur polnischen Korpuslinguistik

Ivan Levin akasaiko at gmail.com
Mo Jun 3 07:42:56 CEST 2024

Liebe Listenmitglieder,

ich möchte Sie auf die folgenden beiden Workshops zur polnischen
Korpuslinguistik aufmerksam machen, die im Juni sowohl in Präsenz in Jena
als auch online stattfinden werden.  Die Workshops können für alle relevant
sein, die ein Interesse an der polnischen Sprache und/oder Computer- und
Korpuslinguistik haben. Keine vorherigen Kenntnisse außer zumindest
begrenztem passivem Verständnis des Polnischen sind notwendig.

On June 14 and 17, there will be two workshops on corpus linguistics with a
focus on the Polish language. Both workshops will be conducted in person in
Jena as well as online. There are no prerequisites for participation.
However, openness to learning new computer tools and at least some passive
understanding of Polish are very much encouraged. If you want to
participate in either (or both) of the workshops, please fill out this
registration form before June 10 <https://forms.gle/wZNWcyAnGcHMdgwcA>.
Registration is encouraged but not obligatory. The program can be adjusted
to some extent to meet the needs of the participants. Therefore, if you
have any special needs or expectations, please express them in the
registration form.

Annotation of Rafał Górski's workshop on the Spisz corpus on June 14 (from
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM): Dialectal machine-readable corpora are a valuable
source of sociolinguistic data if the questions are correctly addressed.
The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with the exploration
of sociolinguistic variation via a corpus, in this case, the corpus which
documents the dialect of the Polish part of Spisz. In the first part of the
course, we shall formulate queries that pick up dialectal and standard
features in the speech of the speakers. Once the data are gathered, we
shall explore the social variables that determine the use of the dialect or
standard forms. The data will be analyzed and visualized with Excel.

Annotation of Michał Woźniak's workshop on the Spoco corpus on June 17
(from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM): The workshop focuses on concordancing with the
corpus manager Spoco, a simple and adaptable web interface for dialect
corpora. An introductory lecture will be followed by hands-on exercises.
The workshop will cover both exploring existing corpora and creating
tailored resources with Spoco. It will also most likely include some
programming with Python. Students should be open to this; however, no
previous programming skills are required.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ivan Levin
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