[SlawKaus] Vortrag "THE BROWN BEARS OF BULGARIA": Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2024, 14-16 Uhr in 301

Kahl, Thede Thede.Kahl at oeaw.ac.at
Mi Mai 15 00:44:50 CEST 2024

Herzliche Einladung zum Vortrag!


Svetoslava Toncheva, assoc. prof.
Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8, R. 301
Mittwoch, den 15. Mai 2024, 14-16 Uhr

Brown bears are often considered a keystone species, contributing to biodiversity and yet particularly sensitive to human influence including factors such as habitat loss and degradation, depletion of prey, persecution, hunting etc. Their conservation is therefore considered a significant challenge in densely populated and heavily modified landscapes as those found in much of Europe. Brown bears have become an important focus of the Bulgarian conservation efforts, having been granted protected status by the state since 1993 (Red List of Bulgaria) and later through European legislation. Although their protected status requires their habitats to be included under Natura 2000 protection, many remain outside formal protected areas, coexisting with local communities and resulting in various forms of human-bear interactions. This lecture will focus, among other, on the increasingly stress by researchers acknowledgment of 'the roles of culture and values in human-wildlife coexistence' (Pooley et al. 2017), or  the so-called local or Traditional Ecological Knowledge and its role in shaping the interactions between people and nonhumans. Entailing elements of folklore beliefs, this knowledge emphasises the existence of a locally developed system of knowledge that can serve to support effective biodiversity conservation including human-wildlife cohabitation.
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