[SlawKaus] CfA Joint Master's Programme in Southeast European Studies (Graz/Belgrade) // Deadline 31 March 2024

Kahl, Thede Thede.Kahl at oeaw.ac.at
Mo Mär 4 19:27:56 CET 2024

Antwortadresse: jointdegrees at uni-graz.at<mailto:jointdegrees at uni-graz.at> und claudia.lastro at uni-graz.at<mailto:claudia.lastro at uni-graz.at> (Claudia Laštro)

Call for applications 2024

The English-taught Master's Programme in Southeast European Studies provides you with a professional understanding of the interconnection between history, politics, law, economics, and culture in Southeast Europe. Core areas of teaching are European integration, democratisation, human rights, rule of law, social history, as well as post-colonial and intersectional studies.


Expand your horizon with a mandatory mobility semester at one of our many partner institutions!
Enhance your research skills at our winter school in Southeast Europe!

Be part of an interdisciplinary programme with high quality training in English!

Centre for Southeast European Studies | University of Graz
Schubertstraße 21/I, 8010 Graz, Austria
claudia.lastro at uni-graz.at<mailto:claudia.lastro at uni-graz.at>
tel. +43/316/380 6694
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