[SlawKaus] The Dissident Library: 12 Jan 2024, 3.00 pm CET. Nonviolent Resistance, Alexandra Arkhipova

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Do Jan 11 05:05:54 CET 2024

Liebe Studierende, liebe Liste,

Methoden des WIderstandes und des Dissidententums sind leider wieder 
aktuell geworden. Hier ein Vortrag, der diese Methoden in eine 
historische Perspektive rückt: was kann man tun, was wird getan?

Herzliche Grüße
Ruprecht von Waldenfels
12 Jan 2024 · 3.00 pm

    The Dissident Library: “Weapons of the Weak” in the USSR and Russia:
    from 1953 to 2023

Venue:* online via Zoom
*Organized by* Olga Rosenblum 
*Research project:* Soviet Dissidence and the Public 

The next seminar of The Dissident Library 
<https://www.zfl-berlin.org/the-dissident-library-en.html> will focus on 
forms of protest in the USSR and Russia and dissident protest in the 
context of other forms of protest. Anthropologist Alexandra Arkhipova 
(Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale EHESS, Paris) will talk about her 
and her colleagues’ work on forms of direct and anonymous resistance. 
She will compare forms of anonymous resistance in Russia, for which she 
uses the metaphor of “chips in the pocket,” with forms of resistance as 
described by the American anthropologist James Scott. Scott applies the 
concept of “Weapons of the Weak” to forms of resistance such as rumors, 
anecdotes, songs, and carnival texts that are used in situations in 
which people are unable to protest directly, when they resort to 
ridiculing groups of “strong” people to reduce the personal risk of 
persecution. Drawing on the collection of documents /Kramola: Dissent in 
the USSR under Khrushchev and Brezhnev, 1953–1982/, compiled by Vladimir 
Kozlov and Olga Edelman, Akhipova proposes to discuss the possibility of 
applying James Scott’s concept of “Weapons of the Weak” and Umberto 
Eco’s “Semiotic Guerrillas” to forms of protest in the USSR in the 1970s 
and 1980s. To get an impression of forms of protest today, we suggest 
you visit the virtual exhibition No Wobble 
<https://www.nowobble.net/> which was prepared by Arkhipova.

  * Vladimir Kozlov, Olga Edelman (eds.): Kramola: Inakomyslije v SSSR
    pri Khruschove i Brezhnewe: 1953–1982. Moscow: rassekrechennyje
    dokumenty Verchovnogo suda i Prokuratury SSSR 2005
  * James Scott: Domination and the Arts of Resistance. Yale: Hidden
    Transcripts 1992
  * Umberto Eco: Towards a semiological guerrilla warfare, in: Umberto
    Eco (ed.): Travels in Hyperreality. New York: Harcourt Brace
    Jovanovich 1986, 135–144
  * Alexandra Arkhipova, Anna Kirzyuk, Darya Radchenko, Alexey Titkov,
    Olga Christoforova: “Figa v karmane” i drugie teorii simvolicheskogo
    in: Alexandra Arkhipova, Darya Radchenko, Alexey Titkov (eds.):
    Gorodskie texty i praktiki. T. 1. Simvolicheskoje soprotivlenije:
    kollektivnaja monografija. Moscow: Izdatelstvo “Delo” 2016, 5–22
  * Alexandra Arkhipova: Net woble [No wobble / Нет вобле]. Russian
    anonymous street art against war 2022/23. A virtual exhibition

Languages of the discussion: Russian with simultaneous translation into 

To join the seminar please register here 

The event is part of The Dissident Library 
<https://www.zfl-berlin.org/the-dissident-library-en.html>, a series of 
online seminars discussing scientific publications on the Soviet 
dissident movement directed and organized by Olga Rosenblum 



> Olga Rosenblum <rosenblum at zfl-berlin.org> hat am 22.12.2023 10:05 CET 
> geschrieben:
> Dear colleagues, friends, seminar participants, patient newsletter 
> subscribers!
> I wish you a happy new year - both the festive one and the one that 
> will last much longer. Thank you for being with us!
> I won't ask you to read the list of literature for the next seminar 
> (it's below!), but if after a holiday, especially a New Year's Eve 
> holiday, you remember that something is missing on the tables (maybe a 
> wobla??), take a look at the virtual exhibition prepared by our next 
> speaker, Alexandra Arkhipova, who will talk about different kinds of 
> protest on 12 January.
> And again, and again: Have a good holiday, without bad news, business 
> emails, the need to read and answer them!
> Yours,
> Olga Rosenblum
> Seminar
> 12.01.2024 · 15.00 Uhr
>   The Dissident Library: “Weapons of the Weak” in the USSR and Russia:
>   from 1953 to 2023
> The next seminar of The Dissident Library 
> <https://www.zfl-berlin.org/the-dissident-library-en.html> will focus 
> on forms of protest in the USSR and Russia and dissident protest in 
> the context of other forms of protest. Anthropologist Alexandra 
> Arkhipova (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale EHESS, Paris) will talk 
> about her and her colleagues’ work on forms of direct and anonymous 
> resistance. She will compare forms of anonymous resistance in Russia, 
> for which she uses the metaphor of “chips in the pocket,” with forms 
> of resistance as described by the American anthropologist James Scott. 
> Scott applies the concept of “Weapons of the Weak” to forms of 
> resistance such as rumors, anecdotes, songs, and carnival texts that 
> are used in situations in which people are unable to protest directly, 
> when they resort to ridiculing groups of “strong” people to reduce the 
> personal risk of persecution. Drawing on the collection of documents 
> /Kramola: Dissent in the USSR under Khrushchev and Brezhnev, 
> 1953–1982/, compiled by Vladimir Kozlov and Olga Edelman, Akhipova 
> proposes to discuss the possibility of applying James Scott’s concept 
> of “Weapons of the Weak” and Umberto Eco’s “Semiotic Guerrillas” to 
> forms of protest in the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s. To get an 
> impression of forms of protest today, we suggest you visit the virtual 
> exhibition No Wobble <https://www.nowobble.net/> which was prepared by 
> Arkhipova.
>   * Vladimir Kozlov, Olga Edelman (eds.): Kramola: Inakomyslije v SSSR
>     pri Khruschove i Brezhnewe: 1953–1982. Moscow: rassekrechennyje
>     dokumenty Verchovnogo suda i Prokuratury SSSR 2005
>   * James Scott: Domination and the Arts of Resistance. Yale: Hidden
>     Transcripts 1992
>   * Umberto Eco: Towards a semiological guerrilla warfare, in: Umberto
>     Eco (ed.): Travels in Hyperreality. New York: Harcourt Brace
>     Jovanovich 1986, 135–144
>   * Alexandra Arkhipova, Anna Kirzyuk, Darya Radchenko, Alexey Titkov,
>     Olga Christoforova: “Figa v karmane” i drugie teorii
>     simvolicheskogo soprotivlenija
>     <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TEK477cDmLQ8VIGrh1j8F2fxsZ6Sb6qg/view>,
>     in: Alexandra Arkhipova, Darya Radchenko, Alexey Titkov (eds.):
>     Gorodskie texty i praktiki. T. 1. Simvolicheskoje soprotivlenije:
>     kollektivnaja monografija. Moscow: Izdatelstvo “Delo” 2016, 5–22
>   * Alexandra Arkhipova: Net woble [No wobble / Нет вобле]. Russian
>     anonymous street art against war 2022/23. A virtual exhibition
>     <https://www.nowobble.net/>
> Languages of the discussion: Russian with simultaneous translation 
> into English.
> To join the seminar please register here: 
> https://zfl-berlin-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApceiurDIiG9IaU6pePwOqRbQ2ucvsOaor#/registration 
> <https://zfl-berlin-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApceiurDIiG9IaU6pePwOqRbQ2ucvsOaor> 
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