[SlawKaus] Umfrage

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at gmail.com
Do Dez 8 17:08:57 CET 2022

Liebe Studierende,

ich leite die Anfrage von zwei russischen Studierenden aus Moskau weiter 
(eine kenne ich persönlich).

Bitte, unterstützen Sie sie in ihrer Arbeit und füllen Sie ihnen den 
Fragebogen aus.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ruprecht von Waldenfels

We are Anastasia and Maria from Higher School of Economics.
For our research in lexical typology we need to contact native speakers 
of German language.
If you don't mind spending no more than 15 minutes on our survey, we 
would like to ask you to follow the link and fill in the Google Form. It 
is in English and consists of questions you should answer in one word, 
so we hope it really won't take much of your time!
Also, if you don't mind us asking you a couple of extra-questions 
(similar to those in the Form) personally after submitting the Google 
Form, please leave your contact e-mail in the end of the Form (it is not 
necessary, though)
Your help would be very valuable to us!

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