[SlawKaus] Workshop: DAAD-funded project "Ukraine Digital"

Nikolaj Popov nikolaj.popov at uni-jena.de
Mi Nov 30 16:27:46 CET 2022

Dear all,

we would like to inform that within the DAAD-funded project "Ukraine Digital"
a day workshop dedicated to the exchange of experience in teaching technical
disciplines for philological students will be held on 5th of December.
The working language of the workshop is Ukrainian. The workshop will  
be held online.
More information can be found in the attachment.

Best regards,
Nikolaj Popov

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Dateiname   : Програма семінару.pdf
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URL         : <https://lserv.uni-jena.de/pipermail/slawkaus/attachments/20221130/6cb92e07/attachment-0001.pdf>

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