[SlawKaus] Podiumsdiskussion "Humanities at War", Jena 17.09.2022

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Do Sep 8 09:53:44 CEST 2022


/The Imre Kertész Kolleg cordially invites you to the public panel 
discussion *“Humanities at War. Ukrainian Perspectives”*, taking place 
on Saturday, 17 September, 10 – 12 a.m. in lecture hall 9, 
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3, Jena./


/Any war impacts on higher education. University buildings are being 
bombed, teaching is disrupted, students and teachers alike face the 
prospect of being drafted or have to flee from violence and aggression. 
Wars polarize. The Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena invites to a panel 
discussion to explore the impact of the current war from various 
Ukrainian perspectives./



/Kateryna Lysenko (Kyiv)/

/Andrij Portnov (Frankfurt/O.)/

/Ostap Sereda (L’viv)/

/Balázs Trencsenyi (Budapest)/

/Joachim von Puttkamer (Jena; chair)/


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