[SlawKaus] WG: Linguistic Forum 2022: deadline extended

Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien inst-slaw-kauk at uni-jena.de
Mi Aug 3 09:09:37 CEST 2022

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

anbei erhalten Sie eine E-Mail (s.u.) mit Informationen zu der „International conference ‚Linguistic Forum 2022: Traditional speech forms and practices‘“. Es geht u.a. um die Verlängerung der Deadline für den „Call for Papers“.

Freundliche Grüße

i.A. Ekkehard Lux

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
07743 Jena
Tel.: 03641 9-44700
Fax: 03641 9-44702
E-Mail: inst-slaw-kauk at uni-jena.de

Von: Татьяна Давидюк <davidyuk at iling-ran.ru>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. August 2022 21:34
An: Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien <inst-slaw-kauk at uni-jena.de>
Betreff: Linguistic Forum 2022: deadline extended

Dear colleagues,

the deadline for submitting abstracts for the "Linguistic Forum 2022" has been extended until August 25. Below is the second information letter.

International conference
“Linguistic Forum 2022: Traditional speech forms and practices”
Second call for papers
--Deadline extended to August 25, by popular demand--

The international conference "Linguistic Forum 2022: Traditional speech forms and practices " will be held at the Institute of Linguistics, RAS, on November 17-19, 2022. The conference is part of a series of annual linguistic forums initiated by the Institute of Linguistics RAS in 2019, each dedicated to a socially important aspect of the scientific study of language; see https://iling-ran.ru/web/en/conferences/lingforums. The topic of the  2019 Forum was the UN Year of Indigenous Languages. The 2020 Forum "Language and Artificial Intelligence" was devoted to interdisciplinary dialogue among researchers working at the interface of linguistics and computer science. The starting point of the 2021 Forum “Language policy and language preservation” was the UN International Decade of Indigenous languages. The choice of this year is suggested by the fact that 2022 was announced as the Year of the Cultural Heritage of the peoples of Russia.

The Forum program will include papers aimed at the linguistic analysis of traditional speech forms and practices in various linguistic and cultural communities. Speech forms include types of texts based on standard schemas: folklore and other traditional forms, such as personal stories, rites, incantations, as well as conventionalized genres in ancient written or Medieval traditions. Speech practices mean the particulars of communication in traditional contexts, including pragmatic strategies and ways of conveying meaning to an addressee. The focus of the Forum encompasses the modern languages of Russia, as well as other languages, including extinct (or sleeping) languages.

The range of research questions that are expected to be addressed at the Forum includes:

  *   genre schemas in folklore discourse and other kinds of traditional texts;
  *   lexical, grammatical, and phonetic features of traditional speech forms;
  *   traditional speech practices, their structure and functions;
  *   formulas of speech etiquette, their age- and gender-related peculiarities;
  *   audiovisual space of traditional speech forms and practices;
  *   influence of language contact on the development and functioning of traditional speech forms and practices;
  *   modification of traditional speech forms and practices in modern languages, including newly written ones;
  *   vitality of traditional speech forms and practices and the perspectives of their development in the digital age;
  *   the role of traditional speech forms and practices in the development of linguistic identities;
  *   documentation and archiving of traditional speech forms and practices;
  *   the use of traditional speech forms and practices in language teaching.
Papers may address other topics as well, if they fit within the general scope of the Forum.

Since the conference is part of the series of Linguistic Forums, its primary focus will be the linguistic aspects of traditional speech forms and practices. In spite of the term “traditional” in the title, it is expected that the papers will be based on up-to-date and currently relevant approaches.

The Forum program will feature the folloiwing invited plenary lectures:

Sergey Yu. Neklyudov (Russian State University for the Humanities, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow), “Genre as a text-generating pattern in the spoken tradition”.
Patience Epps (University of Texas, Austin). “Specialized discourse and language change: Amazonian perspectives”.
Juha Janhunen (University of Helsinki, Finland). “Language and folklore – from a linguist's point of view”

Additional information on invited lectures will be provided later.

The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.

Please submit anonymous abstracts at lingforum at iling-ran.ru<mailto:lingforum at iling-ran.ru> no later than August 25, 2022, simultaneously in both .doc and .pdf formats. The abstract should not exceed one page of text; the second page may be used for illustrative material and a list of references. Abstracts should not include the authors’ names, their affiliations, e-mails and phone numbers; all this information must be included in the body of the message. The Forum’s Program Committee will review the abstracts and select the most substantial and relevant papers.

The conference will involve the Round table “Bear stories in world languages”. Information about the Round table can be found here: https://iling-ran.ru/web/en/conferences/2022_lingforum/bear_round_table. Abstracts intended for the Round table must submitted in the same way as those for the general session.

The format of the Forum (online or in-person) will be determined later. A participation fee will be charged if the Forum is held in person. If the Forum is held in person, an online session may be organized for those international participants who cannot arrive to the conference site.

Key dates:

  *   August 1 25, 2022 – deadline for the submission of abstracts;
  *   September 20, 2022 – decisions on paper acceptance are sent out;
  *   October 15, 2022 – publication of the preliminary program;
  *   November 17-19, 2022 – the Forum.
Watch for the news at the Forum’s web page: https://iling-ran.ru/web/ru/conferences/2022_lingforum.

Program Committee and Organizing Committee

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Tatiana Davidyuk

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