[SlawKaus] Gastvortrag am 12.05. (ZOOM) "Azerbaijan: The three dimensions of national territory"

Diana Forker diana.forker at uni-jena.de
Di Mai 3 13:44:56 CEST 2022

Liebe Listenmitglieder, Studierende und KollegInnen / Dear students and 

der Fachbereich Kaukasusstudien lädt herzliche zum Online-Gastvortrag 
"Azerbaijan: The three dimensions of national territory" von Dr. Leyla 
Sayfutdinova ein, der am 12.05. (Donnerstag) um 16.00 Uhr stattfindet. 
Leiten Sie die Einladung gern an Ihre Studierenden und KollegInnen weiter.

The Department of Caucasian Studies cordially invites you to the online 
guest lecture "Azerbaijan: The three dimensions of national territory" 
by Dr. Leyla Sayfutdinova, which will take place on May 12 (Thursday) at 
4:00 pm. Feel free to forward the invitation to your students and 

Dazu können Sie sich über folgenden Link registrieren / registration:


Viele Grüße / Regards

Diana Forker




In this talk, I will discuss my previous and current work on identity 
and territory in Azerbaijan. I begin with the role of borders, using the 
example of the Azerbaijani-Russian border in the relations with Lezgins, 
a transborder ethnic group residing in Azerbaijan and Russia (Dagestan). 
I will then discuss Azerbaijan’s efforts at territorialization of the 
Caspian Sea in the process of Caspian delimitation. Drawing on the 
concept of resource nationalism, I show how Azerbaijan tried to frame 
Caspian Sea delimitation in terms of national sovereignty. While only 
partially successful, this territorialisation of the sea was another 
element in building a three-dimensional national territory.

In the last part of the talk, I will discuss my current work on the 
imaginaries of oil in Azerbaijan. Taking the catchphrase ‘the Land of 
Fire’ as my point of departure, I will show how in Azerbaijan the 
spatialities of natural resources and national territory intersect and 
become expressed in the urban landscape of Baku. This ‘petro-spatial 
complex’ often combines representations of fire as a manifestation of 
subterranean resources and the representations of the nation and 
political power of the state.Temporally, the petro-spatial complex is 
projected both onto the immemorial past of Zoroastrianism and the 
uncertain future of Azerbaijani nationhood.

*Bio*: Dr Leyla Sayfutdinova is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral 
Fellow at the Department of Social Anthropology and the Centre for 
Energy Ethics at the University of St 
<https://energyethics.st-andrews.ac.uk/people/leyla-sayfutdinova/>). Her 
research project “Turning oil into stone: oil legacies in the narratives 
of urban continuity and change in Baku, Azerbaijan” examines the 
multiple ways in which oil has shaped urban space and memory in Baku, 
one of the earliest oil cities. Leyla has an interdisciplinary 
background, including Conflict studies (BA, St Petersburg State 
University) and Sociology (PhD, Middle East Technical University, 
Turkey) and her research has focused on the postsocialist transition in 
Azerbaijan, focusing on urban change, nationalism, and post-Soviet 
industrial restructuring. Her research has been published in _Journal of 
Eurasian Studies_, /Labor History/, /Work/, /Employment and Society/, 
and /Nationalities Papers/.

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