[SlawKaus] Online-Vortrag, 28/4, 18:00: Right-wing Populism in Central and Eastern Europe (Natasza Styczyńska, Krakau)

Johann Wiede johann.wiede at uni-jena.de
Mo Apr 25 16:43:43 CEST 2022

Liebe Liste,

herzliche Einladung zum ersten (Online-)Vortrag in der Vortragsreihe
"Rechtsruck in Europa. Die polnischen Perspektiven" seit 2020!

Zeit: Donnerstag, 28.4., 18:00 (s.t.)
Login via Zoom: https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us/j/9268186944; Meeting-ID:
926 818 6944; Code: abz_neu

    Right-wing Populism in Central and Eastern Europe

*Online lecture by Natasza Styczyńska (Cracow), Thursday, 28/4, 18:00
(s.t.), via Zoom *

/Part of the lecture series "Rechtsruck in Europa. Die polnischen
Perspektiven" /

The lecture aims to map, describe and discuss the phenomenon of
right-wing populism in Central and Eastern Europe. We will analyse the
processes that are crucial to the formulation of populist politics
(financial and migration crisis, Brexit, post-enlargement fatigue).

Special focus will be paid to the phenomena that are linked to populism
such as Euroscepticism, anti-party movements and anti-European
initiatives. Our main case studies will include right-wing populists in
power (Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria) but also more radical arguments
raised by anti-establishment movements in the region viewed from a
comparative perspective.

Johann Wiede, M.A.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter /
Projektkoordinator Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum Jena

Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien 
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena JenTower
Leutragraben 1 Raum 08S08
07743 Jena

Email: johann.wiede(at)uni-jena(dot)de


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