[SlawKaus] Talk on Russian in Dagestan (by Ilya Chechuro)

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at gmail.com
Mo Jan 25 20:24:09 CET 2021

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Von: Roncero, Kristian <roncero at shh.mpg.de>
Date: Mo., 25. Jan. 2021, 20:21
Subject: [Jenling] Talk on Russian in Dagestan (by Ilya Chechuro)
To: jenling at listserv.uni-jena.de <jenling at listserv.uni-jena.de>

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce you that our colleague Ilya Chechuro (from
MPI-SHH) will be giving a lecture on the Russian of Dagestanians next
Thursday (28.01) at 12:15. The talk will be interactive and it will last
about an hour, although there will be time for questions and answers

An abstract of the talk is provided bellow:

*Russian in Daghestan *

This talk is a brief introduction to Russian in Daghestan. We will begin
with the history of immigration of the speakers of Eastern Slavic languages
into the region and the expansion of the Russian language
among the indigenous population of Daghestan. We will then switch to the
overview of Daghestanian Russian, a contact language spoken in Daghestan
today, and discuss its distinctive features. The talk will be concluded
with a discussion of Daghestanian Russian as a means of identification and
a literary device.

Given the current circumstances the lecture will take place *on Zoom*. For
logging details, please send an email to either Ruprecht von
Waldenfels (*ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
<ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de>*) or me (Kristian Roncero *roncero at shh.mpg.de
<roncero at shh.mpg.de>*).

Looking forward to see you there.

Very best,

Kristian Roncero [ro̞nˈθe̞ɾo̞]
Postdoctoral researcher

MPI-EVA, Department of Linguistics and Cultural Evolution
FSU-Jena, Farb. Kaukasiologie

Follow the project: https://elar.soas.ac.uk/Collection/MPI1234834
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