[SlawKaus] WG: University of Tartu, Narva College, New MA programme

Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien inst-slaw-kauk at uni-jena.de
Do Jan 14 16:25:11 CET 2021

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

anbei übersende ich Ihnen eine E-Mail von Herrn Ivan Polynin, Universität Tartu, Estland. Es geht um einen Masterstudiengang "Russisch als Fremdsprache".

Freundliche Grüße

i.A. Ekkehard Lux

Dear colleagues,

Good day.

Narva College of University of Tartu (Estonia) humbly requests your assistance in sharing the information about our new master programme, which might interest your current BA students and the alumni in the fields related to Slavic Philology and Teacher Training. The program's name is "Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language" (MA).  Upon completion of this programme, the graduates will acquire knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of contemporary philological and pedagogical sciences and needs of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Aside of rigorous schooling and methodology we offer mixed groups, which will include native and non-native speakers and a Russian language environment in town (the population of Narva is 95% ethnic Russians).

The application period has already started, the deadline is on March 15th

More information in English is available here:

The same information in Russian: https://www.narva.ut.ee/ru/postuplenie/magistratura-prepodavanie-russkogo-yazyka-kak-inostrannogo

Thank you very much for your time and understanding!

If you have any further questions, please let me know.
If you'd prefer this information to be sent to your colleague, please forward it or give me the contacts.

Also, if you'd like to arrange an Erasmus staff or student exchange, please let me know, we are always glad to see you here!

Good luck and stay safe!

Best wishes,
Ivan Polynin
International Relations Specialist
Narva College of University of Tartu
ivan.polynin at ut.ee<mailto:ivan.polynin at ut.ee>
+372 740 1922
 [University of Tartu Narva College]

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