[SlawKaus] TALK: Postposed -to in Russian dialects

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Do Jan 14 10:56:43 CET 2021

*Liebe Alle,

nächsten Dienstag veranstalten wir gemeinsam mit dem Linguistic 
Convergence Laboratory der HSE, Moskau, einen Gastvortrag.

Am Dienstag, 19.1., 14:00 Uhr s.t. spricht:

Chingduang Yurayong (Mahidol University): *


*Postposed /-to/ in North Russian dialects through the lens of Finnic 
languages in contact *

The use of demonstrative-derived morphemes in the head-following 
position is characteristic of North Russian dialects (/-to /and its 
variants /-ta/, /-tu/, /-ti/, /-te/, …) and eastern Finnic languages 
(/-se /[singular] and /-ne /[plural]), such as Olonets Karelian, Lude, 
and Veps. In terms of function, some previous studies regard these 
grammatical elements as definite articles, while other recent studies 
identify additional functions related to information structure and 

Given that an equivalent construction is not observed in Belarusian and 
Ukrainian, and /-to/ in other Russian dialects mostly remain invariable, 
several studies propose that declinable /-to /in North Russian could 
have resulted from language contact with the Uralic-speaking population 
who adopted Russian as their second language, particularly Finnic speakers.

Of many aspects of the research question, this presentation will focus 
on exploring contexts of use of /-to/ in North Russian and /-se/ in 
Finnic from the perspectives of referentiality, information structure, 
and evaluation. Potential development paths will also be discussed by 
paying attention to the Russian-Finnic contact scenario during the past 

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Herzliche willkommen!

Ruprecht (von Waldenfels)

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