[SlawKaus] Kolloquium zur slawistischen Linguistik am 15.01.2021

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at uni-jena.de
Do Jan 14 08:58:48 CET 2021

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Studierende,

am kommenden *Freitag*, den *15.01.2021*, ab *10:15 Uhr*, wird Ilia 
Uchitel (Jena) einen Vortrag im Online-Kolloquium zur slawistischen 
Linguistik halten zum Thema: /Building a digital catalogue of Yiddish 
Soviet press: preliminary findings/

/In the pre-WWII The Soviet Union Yiddish language usage was generally 
endorsed by authorities, and, among other domains of usage, Yiddish 
press thrived. The numerous periodicals held in central libraries of 
Russia and Ukraine are regularly used by scholars of Yiddish language, 
culture and history of that period.  However, the exact extent of data 
available is not clear, as these holdings are not generally digitally 
catalogized, and specific bibliographical research of the topic has not 
been performed yet.
     In this talk, I will discuss the digitalization and uniting these 
catalogues as a part of a wider digitizing initiative that is to take 
place later. The preliminary results of this catalogue joining and 
their  visualization provide valuable insights into development of 
Yiddish language and culture in the Soviet Union, as well as information 
about Soviet policies towards minorities and national languages.
     The digitizing tools used in this project will also be discussed./

Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Wir möchten inbesondere auch Studierende dazu ermutigen, sich ins 
Kolloquium einzuloggen, um sich ein Bild von der Vielfalt 
sprachwissenschaftlicher Forschungsthemen, die an unserem Institut 
bearbeitet werden, zu machen.

Zugangsdaten (Zoom):
Meeting-ID: 996 8521 8937
Passwort: Colloq

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
i.A. Irenäus Kulik

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