[NMR-user] Open Access NMR ZAF - closed due to maintenance

Leon Lange leon.xavier.lange at uni-jena.de
Mi Jan 10 09:19:56 CET 2024

Dear all,

the issue regarding the pressurized has been resolved and the open access spectrometers in the ZAF can be used again.

All the best

Leon Lange


Leon Lange

Laboratory of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry

(IOMC, Lehrstuhl II/Schubert)

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Humboldtstr. 10

07743 Jena, Germany

Tel.:         +49(0) 3641 9482 58 (K006)

E-Mail:     leon.xavier.lange at uni-jena.de<mailto:grit.festag at uni-jena.de>

Internet:   www.schubert-group.de<http://www.schubert-group.de/>;


Von: Leon Lange
Gesendet: Montag, 8. Januar 2024 09:37:47
An: nmr-user at listserv.uni-jena.de
Betreff: Open Access NMR ZAF - closed due to maintenance

Dear all,

due to the lack of pressurized air the open access nmr in ZAF remains closed. We will inform you once everything is back in order.

All the best

Leon Lange


Leon Lange

Laboratory of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry

(IOMC, Lehrstuhl II/Schubert)

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Humboldtstr. 10

07743 Jena, Germany

Tel.:         +49(0) 3641 9482 58 (K006)

E-Mail:     leon.xavier.lange at uni-jena.de<mailto:grit.festag at uni-jena.de>

Internet:   www.schubert-group.de<http://www.schubert-group.de/>;


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