[NMR-user] Announcement: Talk about online processing software tools

Nils Schlörer nils.schloerer at uni-jena.de
Di Jul 11 14:56:59 CEST 2023

(Note: English version below!)

Liebe NMR-NutzerInnen,

am Donnerstag, den 20.7., wird Dr. Luc Patiny (Zakodium Sàrl & EPFL Lausanne, Schweiz) in Jena vortragen. Er ist seit zwei Jahrzehnten auf dem Gebiet der Chemoinformatik-Tools für Chemiker und beim Forschungsdatenmanagement führend. Der Vortrag ist daher insbesondere (aber nicht nur) für diejenigen von Interesse, die täglich mit spektroskopischen Daten (NMR, MS, IR etc.) umgehen.

Dr. Patiny wird einen Vortrag zum Thema “Extracting knowledge from chemical data directly in the browser” halten:

² For the last 20 years, we have been developing websites that allow for storing, visualizing, and processing chemical data. During this presentation, we will showcase what can be accomplished today in the browser with some advanced examples involving polymers, natural product dereplication, metabolomics, and multiple spectra analysis. We will be using the following websites as examples:

www.nmrium.org<http://www.nmrium.org>, www.polycalc.org<http://www.polycalc.org>, www.chemcalc.org<http://www.chemcalc.org>, www.c6h6.org ²

Die Veranstaltung findet um 14 Uhr im Hörsaal am ZAF (Philosophenweg 7) statt. Darüber hinaus steht Luc Patiny auch am 20. und 21 Juli für persönliche Gespräche zur Verfügung (Kontakt: Dr. Kevin Jablonka, kevin.jablonka at uni-jena.de). Bitte leiten Sie diese Ankündigung gerne weiter.

Beste Grüße,
Nils Schlörer


Dear NMR users,

on July 20th at 2 p.m., we have the pleasure of hosting Luc Patiny from Zakodium Sàrl, & EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland) who has spearheaded the development of research data management and cheminformatics tools for the last decades. The lecture should be of interest (not only) for those that work on a daily basis with spectroscopy data (NMR, MS, IR etc.).

Dr. Patiny will speak about “Extracting knowledge from chemical data directly in the browser.”

² For the last 20 years, we have been developing websites that allow for storing, visualizing, and processing chemical data. During this presentation, we will showcase what can be accomplished today in the browser with some advanced examples involving polymers, natural product dereplication, metabolomics, and multiple spectra analysis. We will be using the following websites as examples:
www.nmrium.org, www.polycalc.org, www.chemcalc.org, www.c6h6.org ²

The talk takes place at the ZAF lecture hall, Philosophenweg 7, 07743 Jena. Luc Patiny is also available for one-on-one meetings on July 20 and 21. For an appointment, please contact Dr. Kevin Jablonka (kevin.jablonka at uni-jena.de)

Dr. Nils Schloerer
NMR Spectroscopy Platform
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Humboldtstr. 10
07743 Jena

Room K006A

Tel.: +49 (0)3641 948253
E-Mail: nils.schloerer at uni-jena.de

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