[NMR-user] ZAF Open Access NMR closed on 10.07.23

Leon Lange leon.xavier.lange at uni-jena.de
Do Jul 6 11:07:40 CEST 2023

Dear colleagues,

the open access nmr in the ZAF will be closed on Monday (10.07.23), due to the ongoing examination of the electrical devices in the ZAF/CEEC. Presumably the examination will not take all day and you will be informed, once everything is operational again.

Furthermore the 300MHz II open acess (NanoBay/SampleJet) is out of order until further notice. There was a fatal error during sample transport and something is stuck within the probe. We are working on resolving the issue.

Please plan accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.

All the best

Leon Lange


Leon Lange

Laboratory of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry

(IOMC, Lehrstuhl II/Schubert)

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Humboldtstr. 10

07743 Jena, Germany

Tel.:         +49(0) 3641 9482 58 (K006)

E-Mail:     leon.xavier.lange at uni-jena.de<mailto:grit.festag at uni-jena.de>

Internet:   www.schubert-group.de<http://www.schubert-group.de/>;


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