[BEXIS2-Users] BEXIS2 version 3.3.0

bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de
Tue Jul 2 10:00:29 CEST 2024

Dear all,

It took us a bit longer, but BEXIS2 version 3.3.0 also has exciting new 
features! The first is the Darwin Core Archive Export, which is now 
possible entirely via the UI of BEXIS2 (metadata & data). The second 
bigger feature is the integration of a DOI workflow, which allows 
issuing DOIs at DataCite (your institutional account is required). 
Further, BEXIS2 instance can now define their own landing page and use 
an external metadata form to enter metadata. As part of our new release 
procedure we updated libraries, but also improved authentication options 
needed for our future development and fixed several bugs.


best regards,

your BEXIS2 team

Dipl.-Geogr. Franziska Zander
Lead scientific developer
Research data manager

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
FUSION - FUnctionality Sharing In Open eNvironments
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Leutragraben 1, Jentower (21st floor), D-07743 Jena, Germany,
project:	Central data management of the Biodiversity Exploratories
website:	https://www.biodiversity-exploratories.de
software:	BEXIS2 - A data management platform for biodiversity, ecology and environmental data
website:	https://bexis2.uni-jena.de

Department of Geography
Geographic Information Science
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Leutragraben 1, Jentower (26th floor), D-07743 Jena, Germany
project: 	TIPPECC - Climate change information for adapting to regional tipping points in southern Africa

Senckenberg Jena Centre for Plant Form and Function (SJeP)
project:	PlantHub - A place of creative exploration of biodiversity data
project:	iKNOW - Knowledge Graphs in the biodiversity domain
website:	https://planthub.idiv.de

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