[BEXIS2-Users] How tos for BEXIS 2 Admins and News #2

bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de
Do Apr 15 09:51:14 CEST 2021

Dear all,

We want to continue to share some new how-tos and news with you.

*1. How to update Metadata without a new version (in DB)*

    When you need to update your Metadata (e.g., uniform terms), but you
    do not want to do it manually and/or without creating a new version,
    you can update the Metadata via SQL. The changes will apply to all


*2. How to change a unit (in DB)*

    In general, it’s not allowed to change units later, but in special
    cases (e.g., the correct unit was missing before and the user
    selected another one), it can be necessary.


*3. How to delete Tabular Data (in DB)*

    To avoid copying the Metadata again, it’s also possible to delete
    the unwanted uploaded primary data. Please use with care.


*Did you know?*

    *1. Duplicates*

        Currently, there is no function to delete duplicates
        automatically. At least there is, /*since 2.14.3 */an easy
        option to check for duplicates via the API (“

    *2. Data Statistics*

        If you would like to know the distribution of your values,
        number of NULL and missing values you can use
        “…/api/DataStatistic/{id}”.(/*since 2.14.3)*/

*Outlook 2.14.4 (~May)*

  * /*Editing*/ or creating a dataset and /*viewing*/ another at the
    same time sometimes leads to very strange behavior. This has been
    fixed now and is already in production in BE and iDiv.
  * If the /*mapping*/ with the /*parties */is used in the Metadata, it
    is often unclear if the selected or entered Name / Project / .. is
    relay linked, and the /*related permission roles*/ are active. To
    ensure the linking was set, (entry selected from the autocomplete
    list) a new symbol will indicate this in the metadata form.

     More fixed issues can be found here: 

On behalf of the BEXIS 2 developer Team,

Franziska Zander

Dipl.-Geogr. Franziska Zander
Research data manager

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Leutragraben 1, Jentower, D-07743 Jena, Germany
phone: 		+49 3641 9464 45
project:	http://www.biodiversity-exploratories.de

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