[BEXIS2-Users] BEXIS 2.11.0 Released

bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de
Mo Nov 27 15:43:38 CET 2017

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the release of BEXIS 2.11.0.

What’s new:

– A new data import feature is added that extracts the data structure from
Excel files allowing users to ingest data into BEXIS 2 much easier.

– BEXIS 2 now includes a notification framework

– In addition to the data publication workflow from BEXIS to GFBio.org, a
first version of a similar workflow now supports data publication with
Pensoft’s data journals (e.g. the Biodiversity Data Journal). The workflow
towards GFBio.org has been adapted as well to reflect changes in the GFBio
API and to create specific data packages for GFBio repositories.

– BEXIS 2 is now fully modularized, allowing system administrators to
un-/install and de-/activate modules in a running instance of BEXIS 2

– A completely new module, called Party Package,  has been added to manage
information about organizations, institutes, projects, people and their
relationships within a BEXIS instance.

– Creating and managing mappings between metadata structures (i.e. schemas)
and elements of the new party package are now available.

– Authentication in BEXIS 2 now operates on ASP.NET Core Identity 3.0.

– BEXIS 2 now handles entities other than datasets, such as events,
resources, etc.

– The properties of tenants are extended so they can be configured through
the configuration files.

Please check out the website for more details:

Your feedback or inquiry on the new features and improvements is highly

Best Regards,
Your BEXIS 2 Team
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