[BEXIS2-Users] BEXIS 2.10 ff

bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-users at listserv.uni-jena.de
Fr Mai 19 11:33:34 CEST 2017


in Göttingen we are (trying) to prepare the transition from BEXIS 1 to BEXIS 2. One of the obstacles is the question how BEXIS 2.x will handle data. We need a guarantee that we can take data from BEXIS 2.x to BEXIS 2.x+1 without serious additional work (in our case on the PostgreSQL database). Can you achieve that?

Second: we can't really work with BEXIS 2.10, because some of the commands are missing. I wasn't able to import the attributes etc. from "Changes in workspace" (16.3.) and I can't edit the Types and Attributes in BEXIS 2.10 (see attached pictures, if they make it to the list).
Is there a fix available, or am I doing something wrong?

All the best

Thomas Fischer PhD
Research and Development
SFB 990 EFForTS | INF-Project

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
D-37070 Göttingen

Papendiek 14  (Historical Building, Room 2.407)
+49 551 39-33883 (Tel.)
+43 662 621498 (Tel.)
+49 551 39-33856 (Fax)

fischer at sub.uni-goettingen.de

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