[BEXIS2-Dev] BEXIS 2.14.1 released

bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
Fr Jul 31 14:54:11 CEST 2020

hello community,

after the big release 2.14, now follows a small patch that fixes the following problems.


  *   Performance improvement of the database update script from version 2.13-2.14 (#614<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/614>)
  *   Refactor unstrucured data files name handling (#611<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/611>)


  *   Fix occurred errors with requests (#615<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/615>) and links (#617<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/617>) when datasets were deleted/purged.
  *   Fix error while downloading a dataset of type unstrutcured (#613<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/613>)
  *   Fix Decrease default batch size to max allowed parameters for a single statement (PostgreSQL) (#609<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/609>)
  *   Fix selected data types were selected when the Create Unit form was opened again (#603<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/603>)


For a new installation please use the following package:


Demo Version: http://bexis2.vmguest.uni-jena.de<http://bexis2.vmguest.uni-jena.de/>

Full Release Informations: Bexis 2.14.1 Release on github<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/releases/tag/2.14.1>

<file:///C:/Users/admin/source/repos/_Releases/mail%20to%20community_2.14.1.md#help-for-usersadminsdevelopers>Help for Users/Admins/Developers

More help and information can be found on our GitHub - Wiki page.

The page is divided into:

  *   How To´s<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/wiki/How-To%C2%B4s>

  *   Obstacles for Developers<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/wiki/Obstacles-for-Developers>

  *   FAQ<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/wiki/FAQ>


The application needs a workspace where files are stored that are used for configuration.

The initial version of the workspace can be found here:

  *   Workspace 2.14.1 Repo<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Workspace/tree/2.14.1>
  *   Workspace 2.14.1 Release<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Workspace/releases/tag/2.14.1>

<file:///C:/Users/admin/source/repos/_Releases/mail%20to%20community_2.14.1.md#list-of-new-modules>List of new Modules

  *   Modules Overview<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/blob/2.14.1/MODULES.md>

<file:///C:/Users/admin/source/repos/_Releases/mail%20to%20community_2.14.1.md#release-notes>Release Notes

RELEASE NOTES<https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/blob/2.14.1/Release%20Notes/Release_Notes.md>

BEXIS is released under a GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.


If you have any problems installing or using BEXIS 2 please do not hesitate contacting us at: bexis-support at uni-jena.de<mailto:bexis-support at uni-jena.de> This is a community driven open source project so we are looking forward to any feedback or inquiry about new features.

your Bexis 2 team

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