[BEXIS2-Dev] BEXIS 2.12.3 patch released

bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de bexis2-dev at listserv.uni-jena.de
Do Apr 25 15:11:23 CEST 2019

Dear Community,

in close cooperation with the community, we were able to detect bugs and 
release a new patch to fix them.
Thank you for working with us to provide the 2.12.3 patch.

we recommend upgrading the working system to BEXIS 2.12.3.

In this patch the following tasks have been done:


·The user can now download the metadata directly from the view. [247] 

·The Delete and Purge functions are now logged and an email is sent to 
the system email. [238] <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/238>

·When executing the Delete and Purge functions, the corresponding rights 
are now required. [237] <https://github.com/BEXIS2/Core/issues/237>

·In the metadata form the tooltips are now also displayed above the 
input field when selecting the question mark button.

                 ·The tooltips can now also contain html to better 
display descriptions [help] 


·When importing xml documents into the metadata form, the lists on the 
first level are now also taken into account. [241] 

·The import of XML documents works again. [236] 

·Fixed a bug where users could not reject a request. [245] 

·Disable request button, when no user is logged in.

The database update script has been revised.

The seed data process has not been revised.

Demo: http://bexis2.vmguest.uni-jena.de/


your BEXIS2 Team

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